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Slumping down beside Felix like a slime, i groaned, or something like that because the sound i made, many heads turned to give me side eyes. Felix just chuckled poking the side of my tummy. I flinched by the impact since it was my soft spot.

"You topped again. How tf do you even manage to do that?" I huffed, nudging the long haired brunette beside me.

"Oh, the ranks are on the notice board already? I was yet to check them." Felix said, pushing back the hair from his face that managed to fall back perfectly.

"I just did. Im on 15 or something. Atleast i passed the exam because i was thinking of rather passing away." I cried out to which felix flicked my forehead.

"Dont talk like that. I was already thinking you jumped off a cliff after you decided to ditch me that day after you fight drama." Felix frowned making me rest my head on the table, facing him.

"Well, i almost did. I thinking of distancing from seojun. Being with him means just a lot of trouble. Such things mess up with my head really badly and i'll prefer killing myself rather than getting some crazy girls out there to chop me off." I shook my head as the classroom that was half filled echoed with his bright laugh. Some heads turned, some giving us smily faces and others just frowns.

"Well. It wont last longer because its so obvious that you both care about each other, noting that you are starting to get dark circles. Thinking about him at night much?" Felix said to which i slapped his arm making him wince.

"Shut up. Kill me if i lied but that boy pops up alot in my head and i then have to slap myself to push his thoughts away." I rubbed my face in my palms to avoid overthinking about it. Then i remembered how seoyun stormed out which made my face fall instantly.

"What happened. Saw a ghost?" Felix squintted his eyes at me making me cringe at the thought of ghost.

"No. Actually, i hung out with miso and seoyun yesterday and seoyun told me that her brother aka seojun locked himself up in his room all day after that fight. They wanted me to tell them everything and i did. I told them how hate everything about seojun and how he still keeps popping up from the back of my head all the time. Then seoyun said that i love her brother and she stormed out. Miso told me that its because they have got friends in past that befriended her just because of seojun." I explained to him everything in detail. I looked down, my hands starting to tremble from anxiety.

"Calm down kiddo. Its okay, she needs time. Miso is already here, i guess she wont be coming to school today." Felix pointed to where miso sat beside hyunjin laughing at something that the latter said. He then pointed at the seat beside taehyung who was busy scribbling away in his maths book.

"Well. I understand. Mind helping me with organic chemistry?" I asked, pulling out the book labelled organic chemistry in bold letters. Felix nodded before taking out his notes file.

The teacher wasnt here yet so we supposed the period was gonna be free. Everyone did their own thing, talking, studying, goofing around or just chilling. Besides all the chaos around, i focused on the brown haired boy that explained my the main points in tbe chapter.

I pointed out some doubts to which felix paused before nodding to himself and flipping through his notes file. I glanced around the room to see what my classmates were upto when my eye landed on one particular person. Seojun was staring at me but just as we made the eye contact, he looked down, i too looked back at felix who was scribbling something in his notebook.

"This reaction will result in production of decane gas, i guess so. Rather i will consult some books from the library because im not sure if my calculations are right or not." Felix said, analizing the structural calculations he wrote down on a piece of paper. I nodded hesitantly.

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