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Warmth was the most they felt in forever. They didn't understand much of anything they heard, but the beating in their ears was a comfort. Their limbs moved without any prompting when they weren't at rest sometimes. They did, however, purposefully manage to kick when hearing a sound other than the beating in their ears.

The voice was male, they somehow realized as the beating became background noise compared to it. It was comforting, though the noises were odd. A soft noise that the fetus could recognize like they'd heard something like it before came from a female. The female voice was closer than the muffled one of the male, and they knew it was the cause of the beating sound too. They kicked their little legs as they floated, hitting a solid but somehow soft barrier.

The masculine voice now made a similar noise to what the female had created. They shouldn't understand gender, the thought popped into their still-developing brain. They began to rock a bit as they floated, and the noises were now more muffled. The warmth of their location seemed to bring them comfort as they settled into a restful state.


Those occurrences had become often, noises and voices. They were content with the warmth and steady routine they had. They would rest, flail their limbs, and rest again. They were very glad to be in a comfortable environment and didn't really mind how they knew some random things about the voices and noises. One day they were forced out of their home.

It was getting very snug where they were, but it was warm, and that's all they cared about. The voices seemed easier to hear, and the beating was faster than usual were the first signs of change. They shut their eyes as some light eventually broke into their dark home, and they began sliding toward it. A thunderous voice made a noise, and they were fully pulled out of the warmth they had previously been in.

They coughed something wet out of their mouth and then began making a similar noise to what the feminine voice had produced. They kept their eyes shut, their eyelids were not as dark as before from the light trying to breach them. A noise they knew was a gasp had come from where they had been pushed, and as they breathed in they recognized it smelt like their home.

A masculine voice announced something in a language that felt unfamiliar to them, it wasn't the male voice they were hearing before. More noises followed, yet they were content crying as they were now cold and surrounded by unfamiliar scents and voices. Odd textures were pushed against their skin as they whined, getting tired from the louder crying that they had become fond of. They were eventually set in something warm, though, and they decided to halt their crying.

The familiar scent and sounds from their home were back, and they forced their eyes open. It was still much too bright, but a tired woman who had brown hair in a braid was looking down at them. The woman made the first word they understood at this moment. "Lloyd." She said in her soft and comforting voice. They had a name, which they didn't quite understand what that meant but their mind provided them with all sorts of odd information.

They were comfortable in her arms, another piece of knowledge their brain seemed to know, and slowly drifted off. This had stressed them out, they were moved from their home after all. They were certain the woman and man who had voices they recognized wouldn't mind if they slept like they did when they were in their home.


After some rest, they found that they were hungry. They had been well fed in their home, so the voices would surely feed them now. They whined as they were still in the arms of the owner of the female voice. She had been resting too, it had seemed, as her eyes had to open to be able to see them. The woman smelled good, and they found themselves opening and closing their mouth. They found this odd since they hadn't needed to use it to eat before.

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