Survivors, The Company Reunion

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Meanwhile in Dol Guldur it is quiet wind is blowing through areas and Gandalf who is still in the cage his breathing is raggedly as the wood is creaking suddenly, he hears Galadriel who said "You are not alone, Mithrandir" Gandalf raise his head hearing Galadriel speak Elvish throughout Dol Guldur.

Meanwhile the surviving citizens of Lake Town are shouting running to help with the wounded or finding friends and families a Man said "Please" Suddenly Alfrid yells "Somebody help me" He swims forward acting injured "Help" He grunts moving over a body "Aah" Alfrid wave his arms "Aah" A Man gives another one a basket 2nd Man said "Over there".

Boats head for the shore and moving along the shore is Tauriel, Tilda and Sigrid who yells "DA" Looking Tilda yells "DA" Tauriel place a hand on their arms looking around Alfrid yells "Aah" He fall on his knees "Why me" A Mother crying comforting her daughter to see her husband dead while Fili, Bofur and Oin push the boat to the lake.

Tauriel looks to Kili who walks up to her he said "Tauriel" Turning Fili said "Kili" Bofur, Oin and Fili push the boat "Come on" Kili stares at Tauriel "We're leaving" She lowers her head Tauriel said "They are your people" She walks pass him "You must go" Kili lower his gaze before turning around he said "Come with me" Tauriel looks to him "I know how I feel" She stares at Kili "I'm not afraid".

Shaking his head "You make me feel alive" Turning her head Tauriel said "No, I can't" But Kili said "Tauriel" He puts a hand on her shoulder "Amralimé" Looking back to him hearing that Tauriel said "I don't know what that means" Slowly smiling Kili said "I think you do" Fili turns around to them while Tauriel turns but she stood straight.

Tauriel said "My Lord Legolas" Standing behind is Legolas who watch this Kili glance to him and Legolas said "Take your leave of the Dwarf" Kili narrows his eyes bit "You are needed elsewhere" He looks back to Tauriel who looks back to him before turning around as Bofur, Fili and Oin keep pushing the boat Bofur said "One more" They push until the boat is on the water.

Kili turns joining them but he stops for a moment glancing around before he turns back to Tauriel walking to her as Oin and Bofur got into the boat Kili grab her hand making Tauriel look to watch Kiil put the talisman in it Tauriel looks to Kili who said "Keep it" They stare at one another "As a promise" Kili lets go and walk to the shore seeing Fili and Bofur rowing the boat slowly for him to catch up and climb in.

Legolas and Tauriel watch them go before she looks at her hand opening it revealing the talisman before looking back up watching Bofur, Kili, Fili and Oin row away Kili stops for a moment looking back to Tauriel before rowing again to the Lonely Mountain while Hilda walks with some blankets she said "These are dry" She gives two to a couple "You'll need them".

The Wife said "Thank you" Hilda turns to another person she said "Here" Suddenly Alfrid said "Oi" He shoves two men out of his way "Give me one of them" He walks forward as Hilda gives blankets to anyone in her sight "I'll catch my death in this cold" But Hilda said "Oh, find your own" She looks to Alfrid "You're not in charge now, Alfrid Lickspittle".

Hilda turns giving another man a blanket, but Alfrid said "That is where you are wrong" Hilda looks to him "In the absence of the Master, the power cedes to his deputy..." Alfrid begins to smirk at her "...which in this instance is my good self" He walks forward reaching forward "Now give me that blanket" Alfrid grabs the blanket and pulls.

But Hilda begins to tug it back moving closer to him Hilda ask "Master's deputy" She turns making Alfrid move around causing him to lose his grip "Don't make me laugh" Hilda swings the blanket hitting him "You're a sneak-thief, more like" Alfrid stares at her "I'll be dead before I answer to the like of you" Hilda turns to leave but Alfrid grabs her turning Hilda back he said "Maybe that can be arranged".

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