Cave, Orc pack, Rivendell

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After getting out of the sacks and off the spite the Dwarves begin to put their clothes back on as Reaper put his guns away walking by the statue looking to Gandalf who said "Ah" He tap the statue before smiling walking by Thorin ask "Where did you go to, if I may ask" He walks over to Gandalf who said "To look ahead".

Stopping Thorin ask "What brought you back" Gandalf said "Looking behind" Thorin nods "Nasty business" Gandalf looks at Thorin "Still, they're all in one piece" Frowning Thorin said "No thanks to your burglars" He raise a brow and Gandalf said "He had the nous to play for time" Reaper walks over "None of the rest of you thought of that" Thorin lower his head.

Reaper taps the statue staring at it "They must have come down from the Ettenmoors" Gandalf and Thorin looks at them Thorin ask "Since when do mountain trolls venture this far south" Looking Gandalf said "Not for an age" Thorin looks to him "Not since a darker power ruled these lands" Thorin looks to him frowning before turning "They could not have moved in daylight".

Turning around looking in a direction Thorin said "There must be a cave nearby" He glances around before heading in a direction as Gandalf watch him and Reaper walks over looking to him and back to where Thorin went.

A cave is seen with insects buzzing going down Gandalf walk down first with Reaper behind him carefully Nori ask "Oh, what's that stench" Thorin holds a torch and his sword out Gandalf said "It's a troll-hoard" Bofur, Gloin, Dwalin and Nori follow them in the cave "Be careful what you touch" They begin to cough and gag at the smell.

Thorin move his torch around as Reaper stops making Bofur knock into him he looks to where Reaper spots to see treasure in front of him moving around Bofur said "Seems a shame just to leave it lyin' around" He knocks some coins with his boot and Reaper kneels grabbing some coins in his hand lifting it "Anyone could take it" Gloin opens a small chest to reveal more coins.

Turning around Gloin said "Agreed" Nori looks to him "Nori" Nori said "Yeah" Gloin said "Get a shovel" Reaper pulls out his money sack and place the coins inside before grabbing another handful putting them in and tide the sack on belt while Gandalf moves a basket and Thorin lift up a sword before putting it down seeing two swords that caught his attention.

Grabbing the sword that is covered in cobwebs lifting it out and place the torch down before grabbing the other sword Thorin examines them he said "These swords were not made by any troll" Catching Gandalf's attention while Reaper looks to them Thorin gives the first sword to Gandalf who takes it and keeps looking at the other Gandalf said "Nor were they made by any smith among Men".

He pulls the sword out of its sheath a bit blowing the dust off and Thorin holds the sword as Gandalf turns examining the blade "These were forged in Gondolin..." He looks to Thorin who grasp the hilt " the high Elves of the First Age" Thorin looks at him hearing that and was about to put it back "You could not wish for a finer blade".

Thorin stops looking at Gandalf for a moment before grabbing the hilt and pulls the sword out revealing the blade examining it and Gandalf sheath his sword smiling as Bofur put some cups inside the chest that Gloin close and puts it in the hole Nori dug Bofur said "All right, come on" Bofur, Gloin and Nori begin to cover the chest.

Thorin walks pass Reaper holding the torch to the sword as Dwalin glances to the three Dwarves noticing Gloin said "We're makin' a long-term deposit" But Dwalin turn his head and Thorin said "Let's get out of this foul place" He turns and heads for the exit "Come on, let's go" Dwalin already heads for the exit "Bofur, Gloin, Nori".

They went pass Reaper heading up to the exit as Gandalf walks to him Reaper took a step, and a noise got his and Gandalf's attention they look to see Reaper is standing on a sword reaching down Reaper pulls out the sword and lift to show the blade recognising it he looks to Gandalf who said "I think we know who can use this" Reaper nods sheathing the sword and they head for the exit.

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