Chapter 16 - Wanted

Start from the beginning

Everything seemed to have been calming down until Dimo Reeves was murdered and the blame pinned on the Scouts, leading us to the present time.


Leah clutched the weathered wanted poster in her hand, a smirk growing on her features despite the hint of an ache in her heart. "Oh, how I wish I could see his reaction to these posters." One of Leah's new soldiers peered over her shoulder as an amused snicker poured from her lips. "Who's that, Section Commander?" The young male asked curiously as he examined the male pictured on the poster.

"I think it's meant to be Levi Ackerman. But it's a terrible drawing- I mean that's not even his face shape, and don't get me started on how inaccurate that nose is-" Leah hurriedly crumpled the poster into a ball in her hands as she felt her mind begin to run amok with images of Levi. Without a second thought she stuffed the ball of paper into her pocket and continued marching through the forest. "Let's keep moving."

Leah could practically see herself on one of those posters; a butchered drawing of her average looking face, with the writing 'Leah Anderson, Captain of the Survey Corps, wanted for rebellion against the crown and obstructing the arrest of Eren Jeager and Historia Reiss. Preferably alive. Sightings are to be reported to the Military Police. Sincerly, the King'.

There it was again, that familiar emptiness that plagued her from time to time, mainly whenever Leah found herself thinking about the Scouts. Leah had found it difficult to fulfil her promise to Erwin to spy for the Scouts, having been posted mainly in the countryside with the half-hearted aim of finding and arresting Scouts. So far, the squad Leah was commanding had been on the move for days with no signs of any Scout activity (not that Leah was trying her hardest to spot any).

Things had only gotten worse for the Scouts when the death of Dimo Reeves, a wealthy merchant, was announced and they were named number one suspects. Now that the whole military was ordered with finding the Scouts, it was perhaps Leah's worst fear that they would actually come across them seeking refuge in the woods dotted around in Wall Sina. Being so remote not only meant Leah wasn't able to snoop on the MPs and Government, but also that she had very limited contact with Erwin. She found herself suspecting this was perhaps on purpose, as the Military Police became more and more prevalent within the walls, controlling every aspect of life as the dogs of the government. The last she'd heard, Erwin had been arrested and was set to be interrogated for what he knew about Historia Reiss, Dimo's murder and the secrets of the walls. Erwin had been purposefully vague in his letters, which meant Leah had to spend hours on end trying to decipher any hidden meanings or hints he was providing her.

The fact she had nothing to report to him after over two weeks on the job made her feel like a complete and utter failure. Leah just hoped that he wasn't relying purely on her and that perhaps someone else was having better luck than herself. The section commander adjusted her grip on the rifle in her hands. Having to give up her horse and ODM Gear was definitely hard, but swapping it for a gun was highly regrettable. Leah hated guns. Death followed the apparatus like a curse, and Leah didn't want the blood of anyone else on her hands.

Darkness was falling quickly and the woods was far from ideal for stalking without lanterns, so Leah found herself ordering the Squad to orientate for the nearest field, where they could at least have natural moonlight. By the time the sun had set completely, the squadron of 6 plus Leah were parading through knee high grass with their guns slung lazily over their shoulders. One of the older male soldiers hummed a familiar song into the still night air while the rest traipsed silently. Normally, Leah would've ordered for camp by now, but having spotted footprints in the dirt, she'd decided it would be safer they follow the tracks.

Recall - Levi Ackerman x Fem OC (An Attack On Titan /// Shingeki No Kyojin ff)Where stories live. Discover now