you're insecure about your height (requested)

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"Can I do anything to help, baby?" You asked Yujin as you came up behind her in the kitchen.

Yujin just smiled as the girls all cooed at the sight of you and Yujin being so cute together.

"Actually, I could use a few spices. Do you mind getting them down from the cupboard for me?" She asked and you happily agreed.

Today, the girls came over to your' and Yujin's place to hang out and enjoy a nice meal that Yujin decided to cook and so far, it's all been just perfect.

"You want Y/N to grab something from the cupboard for you?" Liz asked.

"How is she going to do that when she can't even open the cupboard doors?" Wonyoung joked and the girls all laughed.

You did your best to brush off their comments, knowing that they didn't mean any harm by them.

They weren't wrong though.

You had to grab the stepstool that you keep in the kitchen for instances like these because you're not tall enough to reach the cupboard doors.

They're high up and you're not even five feet tall, so reaching them without some help is next to impossible.

The girls all burst into laughter as you dragged the stepstool over to the cupboards and as you stood on it, you opened the doors.

"What spices, baby?" You asked Yujin and after she told you which ones to grab you, you picked them all up and got down to place them on the counter.

"You forgot to shut them, Y/N," Gaeul reminded you.

"Bet she has to drag the stepstool over again to be able to close them," Rei said as the girls giggled.

And their giggles only got louder as Rei was proven right.

Their laughter and their comments were getting harder for you to just brush off since you're not very confident in your height.

You've always been the butt of the short jokes between your friends and when you were in school, you were always bullied for your height.

You're pretty insecure about it and you can't deny that even if some people only joke about it in good fun, their comments and laughter still hurt.

"Thank you, sweet girl." Yujin smiled as she grabbed the spices and stole a kiss from your lips as she did so.

"Notice how Y/N has to stand on her tiptoes and Yujin has to bend down for them to be able to kiss?" Leeseo teased.

"What do you expect? Y/N is only what? Three feet tall?" Liz joked.

And they weren't trying to mean or make fun of you in any way.

They were just cracking jokes and teasing you because they know you're usually pretty cool about it and you usually tease them back.

But today, for some reason, their words and laughter hurt.

You walked out of the kitchen and hurried up the stairs.

"What happened?" Wonyoung frowned.

"She's upset," Yujin said. "Will one of you keep an eye on this for me while I go talk to her?"

Rei and Gaeul promised to keep an eye on the food before Yujin hurried upstairs to you.

You were sitting on the bed with your face buried in your hands as tears fell from your eyes as Yujin walked inside.

"Baby?" She spoke as she sat down beside you. "What is it?"

"I'm sorry, Yujin. I didn't mean to make a scene or anything but I'm just feeling insecure."

Yujin nodded as she pulled you into her arms.

"I know they don't mean the jokes they make in a bad way and I know they do it because they love me but sometimes it hurts being the butt of the joke all the time." You explained. "Sometimes, my insecurities get the best of me and I just feel bad."

"That's understandable, baby. You're only human, it happens."

You sniffled as she brushed her fingers along your arms comfortingly.

"But I can promise you that you're completely right when you say they do it just because they love you. They don't have any bad intentions behind the jokes and giggles but I do understand completely that it gets under your skin sometimes."

"It's stupid." You mumbled.

"Nothing you feel is stupid. If something is bothering you and making you feel this way, it isn't stupid. It's understandable that you get tired of the short jokes. All you have to do is tell them that and they'll stop."

You nodded.

"Will you please come downstairs? We can talk to the girls and make everything better."

"Okay," You said before she gave you a couple of kisses. "And, just for the record, I think it's cute that you have to stand on your tiptoes and I have to bend to kiss you. I think you're adorable and I love you."

You smiled a little and she did the same at the sight.

"I love you too."

"Yeah? There's that pretty smile." She said before kissing you again. "Come on, let's go."

You both got up and made your way downstairs again.

"Girls, Y/N has something to tell you," Yujin said as you both stepped back into the kitchen.

"What is it, Y/N?" Wonyoung asked.

"Well..." You said and looked at Yujin, who nodded for you to continue. "I know you don't mean any harm behind the jokes but sometimes I get insecure about my height and your jokes and giggles do hurt a little."

The girls all looked at you with sadness in their eyes.

"We hurt your feelings?" Liz asked. "We're so sorry, Y/N. We never meant to do that."

"I know. It just happens. Sometimes, the words get under my skin, other times I find them humorous and laugh along with you. But today, I just feel them getting to me."

"That's understandable. We're so very sorry." Gaeul said.

"Please accept our apology," Rei spoke.

"And we promise to lighten up on the jokes," Leeseo said.

"Thank you." You said with a smile.

"Can we hug you?"  Liz asked.

"I'd like that." You happily spoke.

Ahd the girls all hurried over to you while Yujin stood at the stove, watching with a bright smile.

Everything would always be okay between you and the girls.

Yujin knew you loved and cared about them as much as she did and she also knew they felt the same about you.

And with a bond that strong, nothing can break or ruin it; not ever.

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