you're the 7th member of IVE and the girls think you're faking sick (requested)

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When Yujin walked back into your room in the dorm and found that you were still curled up under the covers, she became frustrated.

"Y/N, come on. You're really pushing it today. I know it's early but it's time to get up."

"I can't." You replied.

Yujin huffed and stormed across the room to your bed.

She pulled your blanket off of your body and threw it onto the floor, causing a shiver to run down your spine.

"Yujin," You whined.

"I'm sorry but you gave me no other choice. We have practice, get out of bed!"

"Stop. I don't feel good." You snapped at her, raising your voice slightly.

You regretted it immediately as doing so made your throat hurt and you swallowed to try and relieve the pain and discomfort, only for it to linger.

"Good morning, Y/N!" Wonyoung cheerfully greeted you as she and Rei appeared at your door.

They frowned when they saw you still in your pajamas and laying down in bed.

"Why are you not up? We have practice soon! We can't be late!" Rei said with big eyes full of worry.

"I've been trying to tell her that but she's not listening," Yujin said as you folded her arms over her chest.

"I'm not trying to get us into any trouble or start an argument. I know we have a lot going on but I think I'm coming down with something."

Liz appeared at the door, catching wind of the last part of your sentence.

She walked over to you and felt your forehead.

"She does feel a little warm." She told the girls.

"Power through it. Come on." Yujin said as she grabbed your hand and tried to pull you out of bed.

Usually, you would try to just power through whatever was going on.

But this was something terrible.

It wasn't something simple like strep throat or a bad cold.

You're almost certain it was more like bronchitis or maybe even the flu.

"I can't, Yujin." You whined. "Please just let me be."

Yujin paused and let you go as she realized just how much you were protesting against going in today.

It's extremely unlike you.

You're never one to let something bother you too much, at least not enough to make you not want to go into practice or the studio.

You always work hard and when you don't feel up to it, you just feel awful.

"You're serious? You're not trying to get out of work?" Gaeul asked.

"No, I'm not!" You said, sniffling.

"She's not faking," Liz said. "I told you that she feels warm."

Yujin put her hand on your forehead and you did feel feverish, just as Liz said.

"I'm sorry." She said immediately. "I just thought you might not feel up to working today. We all get like that sometimes."

"Yeah but I never try to get out of work, no matter how tired I might feel or if I just don't feel like it. I always put my best foot forward."

"We're sorry, Y/N," Wonyoung said as Yujin grabbed your blankets from the floor.

"Whatever. I'll just get dressed and go in anyways since no one believes me."

"We believe you," Rei said.

"Do you? Because I feel awful and it hurts knowing you don't believe me."

"But we do," Yujin confirmed as she put her hand on your shoulder. "I'm truly sorry about everything. Just lay down."

You were more than happy to lay back and relax and when you did, Yujin and Wonyoung were quick to cover you up and tuck you in.

"There. You just spend the day resting." Yujin said.

"Get some sleep, Y/N. We'll explain everything to the staff. You just relax and focus on feeling better."

With the assurance and comfort from your friends, you closed your tired eyes and fell back asleep

"Sleep tight," Yujin said, kissing your cheek softly before she and the girls left your room to head into practice for the day while you focused on feeling better.

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