The Mystical! Magical! Power of Idiots in a Dungeon!

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"C'mon Syr~ At least let me explain it before you start ignoring me." Bell whined as he was slouching over the bar. Waving his hands to catch Syr's attention as she had her eyes closed. Her face not even looking towards him as she continued with cleaning mugs and placing them away. 

It had been a few hours since he first came into the Hostess to assist in helping with their new menu items before whisking Syr away to the orphanage she frequents. Part of his promise to her in helping around today. Yet even then, during the orphanage and playing with the kids, Bell knew she would be pissed at him.

Even if that brief peck he gave her made her happy, the saying about women holding grudges and never forgetting turned out to be true. 

Though Syr was placing away and peeking back at Bell who still pouted and whined, secretly, she loved seeing how cute he was when he pouted and whined like that of a child. Smiling as she turned away, as to not let him see herself enjoying the amusement he brought. Finally setting another mug on the shelf, she swiftly turned and had her hands on her hips. 

Bell blinked and now got off the barstool. Standing straight up and attention as Syr was walking towards him. Giving him a mock glare and growl escaping from her throat as she continued walking closer. Earning Bell to step back with each step until he now had nowhere to run.

His back against the wall. Both sides blocked with Syr's slender arms slammed against the pub's walls to prevent him to escape. He could only look down at the pouting and glaring barmaid looking up at him with those light grey eyes of hers staring into him.

"Well? Explain it to me then? Who was your first kiss?" Syr asked as Bell sighed. His face flushed and lips pouting outward as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Okay. Well, I wanted to see Lady Hephaestus about a few things. Mainly to find this Welf guy she keeps complaining about. Seeing if there's anything to take note about my knife. And most of all, to give my thanks to her for making my knife."

"Mmhmmm...Keep going."

"A-Alright. Well, I brought her some of those pastries that her familia captain, Tsubaki, mentioned she loved so much. And apparently the God of Smiths apparently gets a bit too excited when it comes to sweets. When I showed them, she tackled me and thanked me over and over, and well...we both kinda took a tumble and...our lips meet." Bell said as he was blushing to the point that he was looking like a red pepper.

Syr's eyes were then shadowed over her silver hair. Her shoulders trembling as Bell's eyes widened and clenched his teeth. Bracing himself what's to come. But he couldn't prepare for anything Syr would do.

"PFFFFFTTTT! G-Gehahhaha! Y-Your face Bell! Y-You look like a tomato!" Syr laughed as she brought her hands to wrap around her stomach. Laughing and struggling to stand up right as Bell growled and looked away, still flustered and earing Syr to laugh even more.

"Don't laugh! I thought you were about to strangle the hell out of me!"

"S-Sorry! B-But from being raised by a bizarre and pervert, who knew you were a flustered romantic!" Syr said as she wiped the tears from her eyes and steadied herself on one of the tables.

"For one, do you honestly think I would be a pervert like my shitty gramps!? I'm not! I know more about than what I should about the topic of sex and erotic, but I don't act or wildly go about doing that sort of stuff!"

"And yet you visit the Pleasure District a lot~"

"That's because I like the company of Lena and the others! They're friendly!"

"Or is it their bodies that you like?" Syr said, now leering at him as Bell came closer to her and leered back.

"I'm a healthy young man and would be lying if I wasn't interested, but they're my friends and I understand their business has some needs, so I won't judge them!"

Love! Death! War! They all Love a Rabbit!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora