Four days later, Boa Hancock awoke. She let out a soft groan, her body felt heavy and her surroundings unfamiliar. She noticed the particles of dust lazily floating in the air, illuminated by a narrow beam of sunlight.

She glanced to her left and saw a cup of water on a small wooden nightstand. The sight was comforting but also puzzling. This room, it wasn't hers.  As she tried to sit up, ready to confront any potential threat, she lost her balance. Just as she was about to fall, a woman's voice cried out, and arms quickly wrapped around her, steadying her.

"Careful!" said the woman. Hancock turned to see a girl with short, curly hair, and large brown eyes – it was Koala.

Hancock pulled away, instinctively shielding her baby bump. Her eyes narrowed suspiciously. "Who are you?" she demanded.

Koala met her gaze steadily. "My name is Koala," she said, her voice gentle holding up her hands . "You're on the ship of the Revolutionary Army. You're safe here."

Hancock's eyes widened. The Revolutionary Army? How did she end up here? .Luffys father ship?

Koala saw the confusion on Hancock's face and decided to explain. "We found you unconscious on a drifting boat three days ago. Your snake was with you, protecting you."

Koala paused, a ghost of a smile on her lips. "I must admit, your snake gave us quite a hard time. She didn't let us near you at first. We had to convince her we meant no harm."

Hancock's hand instinctively moved to stroke the head of her snake, Salome, who was curled up at the foot of the bed. She looked at Koala, her guard slightly down.

"We'll help you get back home as soon as you're well enough to travel," Koala added, hoping to reassure Hancock.

Hancock looks down holding back tears

"But I can't go back"
She whispers

Koala tilted her head, her brown eyes full of concern. "Why not?" she asked, her voice soft. The normally powerful and composed Hancock looked vulnerable, her eyes welling up with unshed tears.

Koala noticed Hancock's hesitation before she finally spoke. "The World Government..." Hancock began, her voice barely a whisper. "They abolished the Warlord system. They came to Amazon Lily... looking for me."

Sabo felt a chill at her words despite the warmth of the room. His mind raced with questions as he watched the exchange between the women intently from the shadows.

Koala leaned in, her brow furrowed with concern. "But why would they target you specifically?" she asked gently.

Hancock looked up at Koala, tears welling as she made to reply. It was then that Sabo decided to step forward, unable to remain silent any longer.

Hancock looked up at Koala, her eyes welling up with tears. "I had no choice," she whispered, her hand instinctively moving to her belly. "I had to protect my child."

Hancock looked up at Koala, tears welling as she made to reply. It was then that Sabo decided to step forward, unable to remain silent any longer.

"Your child?" he echoed, his sudden interjection causing both women to startle briefly. Empathy and curiosity filled his gaze as he met Hancock's watery eyes. "Please, tell us what happened."

His soft, reassuring tone helped put the women more at ease. Hancock exchanged a glance with Koala, who gave a subtle, understanding nod.

As if on cue, a small piece of paper slipped from the pocket of Hancock's coat, fluttering down to the floor. It landed in the middle of the room, its presence seemingly as shocking as the news they had just learned.

Everyone in the room turned their gaze to the fallen paper

Everyone in the room turned their gaze to the fallen paper

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