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Grace sat at the long breakfast table, her mind consumed by thoughts of Sami. Hours had passed since his departure with Thor, and now she patiently awaited her husband's awakening, knowing he would find her side of the bed empty.

She had already prepared an excuse, making his favourite breakfast as a way to divert his attention from her absence.

The sound of heavy footsteps approaching alerted her to his presence, and she swiftly stood up from the table, her nerves on edge.

"There you are! You know I don't appreciate you leaving our bed. I quite enjoy our morning activities," he bellowed as he strutted into the room, his robe flowing open without a hint of shame.

He reached Grace and turned his head, offering her his cheek. As part of their routine, she dutifully placed a chaste kiss on his cheek, concealing her true feelings beneath a facade of compliance.

"I'm sorry. I simply wanted to prepare a hearty breakfast for you before you begin your busy day," Grace replied, attempting to appease him. "Our passionate night must have surely worked up an appetite," she added, trying to flatter him and put him in a good mood before the news of Thor's escape reached him.

A broad smile spread across his face, and he pulled her in with lustful intent. "It was indeed amazing, wasn't it? I never thought you could handle all of me, all of my wicked desires. But you endured the pain to please me, and for that, I will forgive your absence from my bed this morning."

His gaze fell upon the lavish spread of food. "You've made my favorite dishes," he exclaimed in surprise. "I must have satisfied you greatly," he chuckled.

His lips moistened with anticipation as he eagerly sat down and motioned for Grace to join him. As she resumed her seat beside him, his voice boomed as he called out to his guards, instructing them to bring in the new recruit.

Slow, tired footfalls approached, indicating the arrival of someone tired and weak.

Grace fought the urge to stare as Loki was escorted in by two guards, keeping her eyes down and quelling her curiosity that yearned to see the state he was in.

Only when she heard the sound of him being forcefully pushed into a seat at the end of the table did she risk taking a quick peek, and a wave of relief washed over her.

Loki appeared tired, but only slightly beaten. A bruised eye and a busted lip were minor compared to what she knew he would have endured if she hadn't kept Lucius occupied all night. Seeing him able to sit upright gave her solace, knowing her sacrifices had been worthwhile.

"Well," Lucius began, his gaze fixed on Loki, "either you possess remarkable healing abilities, or my guards are severely lacking in their skills." He glanced at the two guards, a questioning look in his eyes, and they quickly averted their gaze.

"How do you feel, Loki, is it?" Lucius asked, serving Grace a piece of meat before helping himself.

Loki maintained his unwavering gaze toward Lucius as he rested his bound hands on the table, the clinking of his chains serving as a constant reminder of his captivity.

"Well, you know, I feel as anyone would after enduring hours of relentless beating," Loki responded, his tone laced with a hint of sarcasm. "A bit worse for wear, plagued by a terrible migraine, and yet strangely, quite famished." He eyed the food longingly, playing up his hunger.

Lucius, clearly skeptical about the duration of Loki's supposed torture, remarked with equal sarcasm, "Hmm, it's unusual for someone to have an appetite after enduring 'hours' of beating. But please, feel free to eat."

Loki raised his hands, rattling the chains mockingly, silently indicating that he was still bound and unable to serve himself.

"Ah, yes. The chains," Lucius acknowledged. "As a new recruit, you will remain bound for a little while longer. But my queen here will be pleased to serve you." Lucius turned his gaze towards Grace, and a sense of dread washed over her, causing her stomach to churn.

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