Sadness follows happiness

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Following a prolonged and passionate kiss that ascended Loki to the heavens, Grace's gentle removal of his hands from her body brought him swiftly back to reality.

He sulked, disappointment lingering on his face when Grace began presenting a well-founded argument against his impulsive decision to escape and forge a new life together.

While she explained her rationale, his attention began to wander. His eyes trailed along her curves as his mind became distracted by his desire to continue the exploration of her body.

Observing Loki's lustful eyes and recognising his lack of attentiveness, Grace swiftly snapped her fingers, breaking him out of his reverie. With a scornful expression, she conveyed her disapproval, reminding him of the importance of the discussion.

Loki immediately perked up, his focus sharpening as he became more attuned to her words. Despite his desire to go ahead with his own plan, he knew that his hasty act of running away would only bring temporary happiness while leaving behind a trail of unresolved issues and consequences.

Putting aside the fleeting thought of abandoning his royal duties and relinquishing his status as an Asgardian prince, Loki and Grace merged their thoughts and determined that their love would be better revealed through strategic and diplomatic means.

But for the plan to move forward, it meant Loki would have to confront his brother and persuade him to reveal the truth about their childhood deception of tampering with the sacred ceremony.

Loki knew that this task would not be simple. Thor's pride and his unwavering desire for their father's approval loomed over everything else. The prospect of admitting their mistake would undoubtedly lead to severe disappointment from Odin, and that alone would be enough to dissuade Thor from confessing what they had done.

Loki stole one final, uninterrupted kiss from Grace, savoring the taste of her lips, knowing that it might be a while before they could share such intimacy again once they returned to Asgard. Relenting to his duties, he summoned his teleportation powers and reluctantly transported them back to the palace.

As Loki and Grace materialised back on the royal grounds of Asgard, the atmosphere was filled with a cacophony of noise. The frantic echoes of soldiers searching for Grace reverberated through the open space, their voices and faces tinged with desperation and panic.

Amidst the chaos and commotion, a vigilant guard caught sight of Grace standing beside Loki. In a moment of recognition, the guard's voice pierced through the air, his loud shouts alerting Thor, who swiftly responded to the call, his footsteps echoing as he hurriedly made his way towards them.

"Thank the heavens! You're safe!" Thor exclaimed, a visible wave of relief washing over him. He wasted no time, lunging forward and enveloping Grace in a tight embrace, his genuine concern evident in his actions.

As Loki witnessed his brother's hands on the woman he loved, a mixture of emotions surged within him. He clenched his teeth, fighting back his anger, and attempted to mask the jealousy brewing beneath the surface.

Grace's body tensed in Thor's embrace, and sensing her discomfort he immediately withdrew. The awkward silence spoke volumes, as both of them realised that they had never shared such an intimate gesture before.

Thor let his arms flop to his side, and offered Grace an uncomfortable smile. "Where have you been, Grace? We have been worried sick."

Grace had previously rehearsed her words with Loki and had initially felt confident in her ability to deceive, yet now, she found herself frozen in the face of having to present a lie.

Sensing her hesitation, Loki swiftly stepped in, relieving her of the burden of falsehood and taking charge of the situation.

"I took Grace for a horse ride, and unfortunately, the weather turned for the worse," Loki continued, weaving his deceptive tale with ease. "To protect her from the forceful gales, we sought refuge in a nearby inn."

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