"Yes! That's how it feels!"

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~~~Loki's pov~~~

Hours after I ended my conversation with Thor in the prison, I made my way to the arena where the Contest of Champions was being held.

I didn't want to be there, but the Grandmaster insisted I join him to watch the fight. And as I couldn't afford to lose his favor when I was so close to escaping, I agreed to attend.

As I walked into the viewing box I saw a holographic projection of the Grandmaster standing in the middle of the arena giving the opening commencements.

"And now, without further ado, it's main event time!" He cheered happily, which was extremely unsettling.

This was a contest where prisoners were forced to fight to the death. What was happy about this, exactly?

I suppose it wouldn't have bothered me all too much a few years ago, but fatherhood changes your perspective on nearly everything.

It was a lesson I was learning slowly as I noticed more and more changes to my overall personality and outlook on life. And if I'm acting like this months before my daughter is born, I can't even fathom how I'll be once she gets here...

Goddess of Chaos and Tricks... She's going to be fun, isn't she?

I chuckled to myself as I thought more and more about what she was going to be like. My mother said that she was going to be like me when I was younger, but that could mean a lot of things.

Does that mean she'll turn herself into a snake and trick Thor into picking her up so that she can stab him? God, I hope so...

Breaking me from my thoughts, the Grandmaster continued with his opening speech. "Making his first appearance, though he looks quite promising, got a couple of tricks up his sleeve." The hologram gestured to the arena door that was slowly opening. "I'll say no more, see what you think. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you, Lord of Thunder!"

With that, Thor exited the door and entered the arena, almost unrecognizable.

His long hair had been cut off, and war paint covered his arms, face, and armor.

I stifled a laugh at his new appearance. His hair hasn't been that short since we were children.

"Watch out for his fingers. They make sparks." The Grandmaster joked before turning to the other side of the arena where the champion would be exiting from. "Okay, this is it! Let's get ready to welcome this guy. Here he comes!"

The crowd began cheering and large explosions of green powder covered the stands as the ground shook and the floor of the arena lowered to make room for the champion.

I wonder who it is...

"He is a creature. What can we say about him? Well, he's unique. There's none like him. I feel a special connection with him. He is undefeated. He's the reigning, he's the defending, ladies and gentlemen, I give you..." The Grandmaster rubbed his hands together in anticipation and the door opened to reveal...

"Your Incredible..." Audio faded from the world as I watched the familiar green giant burst through the doors and into the arena.

It was Banner. Bruce Banner. The Hulk.

You have got to be kidding me.

"Yes!" Thor yelled, his joy overwhelming as he stared at the thought to be dead Hulk.

No one had seen or heard from Banner since... Since the Hulk took the quinjet and disappeared from Sokovia almost three years ago.

How did he end up here?

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