I had modeled my suit after my dad's, the gold and green a tribute to him

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I had modeled my suit after my dad's, the gold and green a tribute to him. Even my headpiece was inspired by his helmet.

And my dagger was the same one he gave me when I was three. It was enchanted so that it would magically adapt as I grew. That way, I could use it no matter how old I got.

It was only years after he was gone that I realized how much thought he'd truly put into the custom design of the weapon.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard a sword scrape against the metal floor.

Taking in the situation, I smiled to myself. I mean, there's only four of them. This should be easy enough.

"Who's first?" I smirked and raised my dagger.

I don't have a set of daggers like my dad did, but I was very skilled with the one I had.

One of the blue bastards ran at me with a loud yell, which turned into a surprised yelp when I used my magic to lift him into the air and then threw him into a wall.

One down, three to go.

The next two ran at me, and I jumped, using my magic to lift me higher, landing with my legs wrapped around the Kree's neck.

I swung myself around and snapped his neck, leaving the body to fall.

When I landed, I flipped my hair back and lifted my dagger to the third guy.

What can I say? It feels good to kill these guys after twenty years.

I was about to attack him when he suddenly dropped dead, with no explanation as to how.

That was strange...

I shook it off and faced the fourth and final Kree soldier.

This last one was bigger compared to the first three. And this guy wasn't just any random soldier. He had distinct scarring on his hand, a result of a bad injury.

I should know. I'm the one who gave it to him. Twenty freaking years ago.

What's worse is that he seemed to recognize me as well.

I was frozen in place as he walked over to me slowly, memories flooding my mind.

Those haunting memories I tried so hard to forget.


"Linda, you need to go." My dad insisted, putting pressure on the stab wound he received just a minute prior.

The Kree found us. They knew who we were and had orders to get rid of us. Kasius wanted us gone.

We had been hiding out on Level 2 when they attacked.

I was kneeling next to him on the ground, trying to use my magic to heal him, but it wasn't working. His injury was too severe.

"I won't leave you." I shook my head. "We can make it out together." I tried not to wince as the Kree started to break through the magical shield my dad had put up at the end of the hallway.

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