Back To The Lighthouse

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My heart sank, and it took everything in me not to give in to the tears threatening to fall.

He murdered her. He murdered my sister.

"That can't be the whole story. She would have tried to talk it out with you first." I shook my head, knowing how much she disliked violence.

"Talking was a waste of time for her. She wanted violence."

At this, I pointed at him angrily, practically seething. "And that's how I know you're lying. Linda hated violence. Do you think a girl who was forced to watch her father get murdered was a fan of unnecessary bloodshed? It was always her last resort."

"It's not how I wanted it to go down, but I did what I had to do."

"It was all for nothing. You killed her for nothing." My voice broke. "And now you're telling me you want to kill all these people who have done nothing but try to help? Catherine is pregnant, for God's sake! And you were really about to murder her?! Are you that psychotic?" My volume rose to a yell as I processed everything he was telling me. "No wonder Linda 'attacked' you! She had morals! Unlike you."

He put his hands out in front of him as he tried desperately to defend himself. "Woah, woah, woah. Now, hold on! I'm not a monster! I wasn't going to make it painful. The plan was to slip something into her drink. She'd just fall asleep. That would be it."

I took a step back in horror that I once looked up to this man, this murderer, and raised the gun in my hand.

He did nothing but scoff. "Come on, Deke. You're not going to kill me."

Watch me.

I aimed the gun in between the wire bars separating us, ready to shoot, but then I heard Linda's voice in my head.


"Deke, stop." She grabbed my wrist, preventing me from stabbing the man who just tried to kill us. "Killing is never the answer."

"Linda, he was trying to kill us. It's called self-preservation." I stared at her, confused.

"Yes, but by killing him, you don't know who you're taking him away from. Maybe he has a family. It's not right." She shook her head, her free hand twisting the chain of her necklace.

My eyes softened, knowing that she was thinking about her dad.

~~~Flashback Ended~~~

"You're right. I'm not." I shook my head, putting the gun down. "Because I'm a better person than you are. And so was Linda."

I stormed away, swallowing back tears as I came to terms with the fact that my best friend, my sister, was gone, and I never got to say goodbye.

At this point, I'd give anything just to hear her say, 'I told you so.' She is- Was always petty like that...

~~~Catherine's pov~~~

While waiting for Fitz and Jemma to complete the necessary repairs to the Zephyr, Loki, Daisy, May, Phil, Enoch, and I remained in the area right outside the cockpit, trying to tie down as many things as we could.

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