Chapter 7: Aftermath

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(I forgot to mention this but Inko looks like she did when Izuku was a child.)

Izuku was currently in a coma. His friends and Tsutsumi were currently watching over him. They had heard Izumi had woken up and was gradually getting better. Inko was happy her daughter was awake but she was not happy of what Izuku did. Did she understand? Yes. Was Izuku still going to get beat up by Inko when he woke up? Yes. Yuta, Rika, and Inumaki had been infusing cursed energy into IV bags non stop since the incident. Tsutsumi has also not left Izuku's side.

While they were all sitting there keeping an eye in him Maki spoke, "Tsutsumi you need to sleep." She rubbed her eyes, "No I am good." Yuta spoke, "You haven't slept in five days. I know your worried about Izuku but you need to sleep. He will be fine. RG said he should wake up some time today or tomorrow. Just get sleep." She shook her head, "I know but I wanna be awake when he does. He protected me every night when I stayed with you all. He stayed up late just in case. The least I can do is stay up for him too." They looked at Inumaki and he nodded and Yuta spoke, "We didn't wanna do this." "Do what?" Inumaki pulled down his scarf and looked at Tsutsumi, "Sleep." Tsutsumi eyes closed and she tried to fight it. But eventually she fell asleep in the chair. Yuta got up and reclined the chair and put a blanket over her, "Now she can get some sleep." Maki smiled, "I understand why she stayed up but she shouldn't have pushed herself so far." He nodded, "Have you all heard they are talking about making dorm buildings?" Inumaki nodded and signed, "They will need our parents signatures. Which won't happen for any of us." Maki nodded, "Yeah no way in hell will our parents allow in. And Yuta your an orphan." Yuta smirked at Maki, "Actually Inko already has that covered." "What did she do?" "Well Nedzu helped her gain full legal custody of us so she is now our legal caretaker aka guardian." Inumaki nodded and signed, "So she could sign off on it?" He nodded and Maki spoke, "Aunty is to nice. We need to find a way to pay her back." Suddenly the door opened and it was Inko, "Shit we said her name to many times! Run!" Maki tried the window but it wouldn't budge. Inumaki tried leaping over Inko but she wasn't letting that happen. And Yuta was smart and just hid under the hospital bed, "Now! You all are gonna explain why you let Izuku do that!" Maki yelled while trying to slam open the window, "You know he doesn't listen!"

As the yelling match went on Izuku was starting to stir. Tsutsumi had woken up a little bit ago due to the yelling and she was keeping an eye on Izuku. She was the first to see him moving, "EVERYONE SHUT UP! IZUKU IS MOVING!" They all turned and Maki spoke with a smile, "We are a bad influence on her." Everyone watched and Izuku made small movements and his eyes opened slightly. He immediately closed them and spoke with a hoarse throat, "B-Bright." Inumaki turned off the lights and Tsutsumi spoke, "That should be better Fushiguro." She grabbed his hand without thinking of it and Inko noticed this with a smile, "You feeling ok." Izuku shook his head, "S-So sore. Eyel-lids so h-heavy." He tried to sit up but Tsutsumi push him down gently, "Nope you are staying in bed. You worried us there." Maki spoke with a smirk and while looking at Tsutsumi, "Yeah you sure did cous. And this girl here was more worried about you then any of us." Tsutsumi got bright red and Inko nudged her, "Maki leave her alone." Tsutsumi tried to speak but no words came out and Izuku held her hand with some tightness. She smiled at this and got even redder. Inko spoke, "Hey son there is something you should know." "W-What is it?" "Izumi is awake." Izuku launched up and tried to get out of bed but everyone had to force him into bed, "I-I need to see h-her!" Inko pushed him down, "You will but you need to rest and Izumi still needs to recover. The doctors say she is coming along steadily but she has almost no muscle so even moving is hard for her. RG already checked her out and besides the basic after affects from coming out of a four year coma she is fine. RG says in about a year she should be back to how she was before. You can see her once you are cleared and when her hospital is having visitors."

RG had come in and did a check up on Izuku, "Well besides from being sore you seem to be fine. Your lucky Young Okkotsu was there otherwise you would have died." "I had every intention of those being my final moments." "Well what you did while I understand why you did it but it doesn't change the fact it was stupid and insane. I hope your ok with scars." "What do you mean?" "Pull your gown down to show your chest." He did so and he saw multiple scars, "Most of those are the results of Okkotsu not having enough cursed energy and me stepping in. However that scar over your chest where Mahoraga punched you we couldn't get rid of now matter how hard we tried. The rest of the scars of just from battle." He nodded, "Thanks. Am I good to go?" "Not yet. I certain symbol wants to talk to you." "All Might?" "Yes. He informed me you know of his quirk and his weakened state. Helps me out. But if I may ask why did you refuse it?" "I wanted to become number one with my own power. So many people consider quirks like my to be villainous. And if I became number one with a villainous quirk I thought that it would show people a quirk is just that. A quirk. Nothing about a quirk is villainous. It's how a person uses it." "You say thought as in past tense." "While I was fighting the Nomu I had time to think. I also had time to think while I was in a coma. And it was the same thing. Should I have refused it. Was my way of thinking wrong?" "Fushiguro only you can decide that. But I want you to know something. All Might has not had a good time looking for another successor. His old sidekick has one but All Might doesn't agree with it. He still believes you are the best choice." RG then left the room.

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