Chapter 3: Entrance Exam

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Izuku was currently stretching for the physical part of the entrance exam. He looked around and saw some others that looked interesting. From what he could sense no one here had any cursed energy. He saw a boy with engines on his calves, a boy with red hair, a pink girl, a girl with a permanent blush, and a couple others but they were the main ones. He could sense it was about to start. Izuku was confident in his abilities. He had been able to tame Peircing Bull. Another thing he learned is that while people could help him tame the shadows they had to have cursed energy or a cursed technique. So any normal person with quirks couldn't help. They found that out when All Might tried to help but he was shoved out of a invisible barrier.

The alarm rang and Izuku grabbed a sword out of the shadows and rushed forward. He slashed through a two pointer and he then made three hand symbols, "Demon Dog Totality! Nue! Peircing Bull!" They appeared and started tearing through robots left and right, "Shikigami be careful of the other contestants! If you see someone in trouble help! If they don't ignore them! Don't want to cause someone to fail!" They nodded and continued attacking. The other contestants were confused at first but then started attacking. Izuku was running around now with a three piece staff when he saw a girl getting cornered by multiple robots. He dashed forward and swung, "Special Grade Cursed Tool: Playful Cloud!" He destroyed four robots in a single strike. Once the robots were destroyed he held his hand out to the girl, "Here. I will help you get up." She nodded and took it and started to get up, "Thanks so much." "No problem. My name is Izuku Fushiguro." "Momo Yaoyorozu. How were you able to destroy them so easily?" "Special Grade Cursed Tool." "Wait cursed tool? So your a cursed energy user?" "Yep. According to some other cursed energy users they say I would probably be around a mid to high tier first grade." "That's incredible. Don't see many curse energy users participate in hero schools." "True. Hey how about I help you. You seem exhausted." "I kind of am. So I will gladly take the help." Izuku nodded and pulled a sword out of the shadows, "Here. It doesn't have a name. But it's a mid rank first grade black sword. Should give you the strength to cut through these robots without exhausting yourself further. But since you don't have cursed energy you can't make it stronger." She nodded and took the weapon.

Ten minutes pass and there was barely any robots left. Izuku had released his technique shortly after saving Yaoyorozu. Suddenly they heard the ground rumbling. Izuku saw the Zero Pointer start to rise out of the ground and it was ten feet away from them. Izuku grabbed Yaoyorozu's shoulder, "No time!" He then pulled them both into the shadows and dragged them through connected shadows and pulled them both out. Once Yaoyorozu was pulled out she held her stomach, "Never do that again. I think some organs got moved around." "Will do. Recovery Girl will check on you after this." Izuku looked around and saw the zero pointer was still coming. He also noticed some other contestants were stuck under rubble. He also noticed we was a good distance from the zero pointer and it was a straight shot. He smirked and poured all of his cursed energy into one final summon, "Peircing Bull!" The bull appeared and shot off towards the zero pointer. With every step he was only going faster and faster and he was also cracking the concrete more and more. Once the shikigami connected to the zero pointer it launched it back about a hundred feet and destroyed the entire bottom half. Izuku had also summoned Totality to rescue any contestants that would have been caught.

Once everyone was saved Izuku fell onto the concrete, "Jesus. So tired." Recovery Girl came in and started healing people. When she got to the last two she was confused, "You both have next to no injuries. But girl your stamina is drained. And boy your stamina is at about 50% so you shouldn't be this tired." Yaoyorozu stood up slightly, "He is a Cursed Energy user." She then passed out. Recovery Girl nodded, "Another Cursed Energy user. Makes five this year. This next batch of First Years will be interesting." She had them taken to the medical room to have Yaoyorozu on an energy drip. And for Fushiguro to be put on a Cursed Energy drip. She was lucky All Might had informed her of the incoming Cursed Energy users so she was able to het energy drips that had Cursed Energy in them. They never keep this stuff on hand. Granted in her entire time here she had never seen a Cursed Energy user try to enroll. So that made sense on why they never had them.

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