Chapter 6: U.S.J and Treasure

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The class was currently on the way to the U.S.J. The day before they has voted for class reps with Izuku becoming class rep and Okkotsu being Vice. Izuku had been staying up late every night for a week to make sure Tsutsumi was ok. He trusted Black but he knew that if Hawks busted threw the window Black wouldn't be able to do anything. He also stuck very close to Tsutsumi in case anything else happened and occasionally would hold her hand without thinking to get them out of crowds. Izuku would never notice when he did this but his friends and Tsutsumi defiantly did. Tsutsumi would always be a blushing mess after the fact but Izuku always thought it was because she was sick. Tsutsumi has also been staying at Izuku's house since that night. Her parents had been informed and while they didn't like her staying with a random boy they also understood it was better then leaving her alone in a apartment ready to be captured by the commission if they would ever do that.

The class had now arrived to the U.S.J. and were walking in. Once they were in Izuku saw a purple cloud portal and his whole body got shocked. He looked around and he saw Okkotsu, Maki, and Inumaki all had the same look. A look of terror. Izuku yelled, "Villians are here! They have a cursed energy user!" Mr. Aizawa looked and saw everything. Izuku and his friends quickly dashed forward, "WHAT ARE YOU ALL DOING! GET TO SAFETY!" Izuku yelled back to Mr. Aizawa, "We are the only ones who have a high chance of damaging the cursed quirk user! Your quirk doesn't work on them since it is registered as a mutation! We will be fine!" Izuku made a couple hand signs, "Totality! Nue! Peircing Bull!" They all got summoned and began to take down villians left and right. Izuku had sent Nue to take down the portal guy, Totality to keep his classmates safe, and Peircing bull to take down any heavy hitters. Inumaki relied on his mobility and he used semi powerful words to take down large groups of enemies and Mr. Aizawa would tie them up. Maki and Okkotsu would slash down enemies leaving then with wounds that injured them to the point they passed out. Izuku looked around and saw a giant bird man, "Peircing Bull! Gain speed and hit that thing with everything you got! It's the cursed quirk user!" Izuku then felt something weird. He focused and he saw multiple sources of cursed energy. From multiple people. How? Peircing Bull was closing in and the beast destroyed it with a simple slap, "Shit!"

The hand man laughed, "Nomu here was made to kill All Might! You can never win!" Izuku grabbed the three piece staff from the shadows and tossed Maki his sword, "You ready guys?" They nodded and Izuku and Maki rushed the Nomu. Izuku swung the staff straight towards it's knees and Maki slashed it's neck but it didn't budge. Then it instantly healed, "NOMU HERE HAS MULTIPLE CURSED QUIRKS! SHOCK ABSORPTION AND REGENERATION! ON TOP OF STRENGTH AND SPEED TO MATCH ALL MIGHT!" "So it's a punching bag that hits back. Great!" Suddenly the Nomu was right in front of Okkotsu and Inumaki yelled, "GET CRUSHED!" The Nomu got sent straight back and Inumaki started coughing up blood. Okkotsu healed him as much as he could, "Damn. It's already getting back up. Even after Inumaki used such a powerful and used a lot of cursed energy! Shit!" Izuku looked around. His class was till at the top of the stairs. Kuroguri was tied up with quirk suppressing handcuffs and wrapped in Mr. Aizawa's scarf so he isn't leaving. He also saw majority of the villians had been handled. He noticed blue and pink bullets littered some of them and he smiled knowing Tsutsumi was helping, "Yuta keep healing Inumaki and replenishing his cursed energy! His cursed speech is the only thing to damage this thing even a little bit! We will just have to plan our attacks!" He nodded and finished healing Inumaki, "You ready?" Inumaki nodded and the Nomu came charging right at Inumaki before he could do anything and sent him flying, "So about that plan?" "Summon Rika!"

Yuta yelled, "RIKA! COME OUT!" Rika came out, "Yes Yuta!" "I need your help! That beast is attacking us!" "Do y-you hate him?" "Yes!" "T-Then Rika will kill him!" Rika started attacking the Nomu and was barely moving. Izuku and Maki joined in the fight but they barely did anything. The Nomu was to strong and Rika was on a timer and it was getting shorted and shorter. Mr. Aizawa yelled, "ALL MIGHT, THE OTHER TEACHERS, AND SOME PROS ARE ON THEIR WAY!" "UNLESS ONE OF THEM IS A CURSED QUIRK USER THEY WON'T BE ABLE TO DO MUCH! ALL MIGHT HAS A CHANCE BUT STILL! WE ARE YOUR BEST BET TO TAKE THIS THING DOWN!" "JUST HOLD OUT!" Suddenly the Nomu had attacked Yuta and Maki sending them back. It was just Izuku. Izuku looked around. He needed to trick them, "You know what good. I can finally go all out." Shigaraki laughed, "Really!? You are not stronger then this Nomu!" "Not with other people!" Izuku stashed his staff away and got into a stance, "Let's go!" He charged up cursed energy around his entire body, "Need to focus on defense." Izuku charged at the Nomu and started punching it and trying to dodge blows but he would still get hit. Thankfully his cursed energy was negating some of the damage.

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