Chapter 1: The Beginning

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Izuku Fushiguro was walking home after a day of bullying. He has been bullied for having a villian quirk. His quirk is called the Ten Shadows. He can summon ten different shikigami made from shadows. He wants to be a hero. A hero who can prove that people with quirks that are labeled as villian quirks can still be heroes. He put his hand in the air, "I will be a great hero dammit!" Suddenly a sewer crate flew open, "GOOD A SKIN SUIT! YOU WILL BE GREAT!" Izuku turned and before he could do anything sludge was surrounding him and trying to go down his lungs. He fought back and got his hands out and made a hand sign, "NUE!" A giant orange bird with a white mask appeared. It saw it's master being attacked and used it's electric wings to stun it. Izuku got out quickly and landed on the ground, "Demon dogs? No he might be to strong. Can't risk one of them losing of one their shared lives. Max Elephant? It will drain me of cursed energy and stamina but it might be able to blast him into a wall long enough for me to deliver a blow." He released Nue and made another hand sign, "MAX ELEPHANT!" A giant pink elephant appeared and shot water at the sludge monster forcing it into a wall. The pressure of the water was so strong the sludge monster couldn't move. Once he sensed the sludge villian had given up he released Max Elephant and summoned both of his demon dogs, "Alright buddies time to clean up!" They barked and Izuku pulled a bottle out of the shadows and they started to put the villian in said bottle.

A little after they finished they all heard, "FEAR NOT FOR I AM HERE!" Izuku turned and nerded out, "ALL MIGHT! I AM SUCH A BIG FAN! YOUR MY FAVORITE HERO!" All Might smiled and gave him a thumbs up, "THANK YOU VERY MUCH MY DEAR FAN! BUT I HAVE TO FIND A SLUDGE VILLIAN SO I MUST BE OFF!" Before he could run Izuku yelled, "WAIT! I BEAT HIM! I HAVE HIM STORED IN A BOTTLE!" All Might turned to him, "You did? Where is the bottle?" "Oh I put in the shadows so I didn't lose it." "The shadows? How?" "I think it's best I show you." Izuku put his hand into his shadow and it disappeared. He then pulled out a bottle with green goo inside of it, "Here you are All Might!" He laughed, "I must say you your great! You must have a great quirk for have defeated a villian at such a young age! If I may ask what is your quirk?" "Oh it's called Ten Shadows. I can summon ten different shikigami made from shadows to aid me in battle. You see the white and black dogs? They are Demon Dog White and Demon Dog Black." They came over and Izuku scratched both of them under their chins, "Good job guys. You deserve some rest." He released them and they turned to black liquid then into nothing. "THAT IS AWESOME! NOW I MUST BE GOING! BUT NO WORRIES WHILE YOU WEREN'T LOOKING I SIGNED YOUR NOTEBOOK!" "Wait before you go! I have a question! Can you please answer it!" Before he could do anything All Might was already preparing for a leap and Izuku jumped on, "KID YOUR INSANE! ONCE I LAND YOUR GETTING OFF!"

A couple moments later All Might landed and was about to jump again but he started releasing smoke, "Damn my time limit!" He then turned into his normal state and Izuku yelled, "WHO ARE YOU!?" "I'm All Might." "ALL MIGHT IS A TOWER OF A MAN!" "Just let me explain." He then explained his injury and his time limit. "Well now that I explained that how about you go ahead and ask me your question." "I wanted to ask do you think I could be a hero even with my kind of quirk?" "Your kind of quirk?" "I can manipulate the shadows to turn them into Shikigami and some other things. But because my quirk relies on the shadows and darkness people call my quirk a villian quirk. Can I be a hero with a quirk that society labels as a villian quirk!?" All Might though for a moment, "What kind of hero do you wanna be?" "I wanna be the next you but better! All Might your great and you inspire people to be better but I wanna show that even people with quirks that are labeled as villainous they can become heroes. But I need to be number one to do that! If I am anything but that no one will fully listen! I wanna show everyone that someone with a villian quirk can become number one!" All Might smiled, "Your something else kid. I know your going to do great things. But yes I do believe you can be a great hero. And if I do one day live long enough to see you become number one kid that will be great. Never change your motives. Now go on I gotta turn in the villian." Izuku nodded and left with a big smile on his face. All Might patted his pants and didn't feel the bottle, "Shit."

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