25 - Anger issues

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Dad's fists were clenched together, like they were about to explode. From my sight, he was suddenly throwing the paperworks at the ground.

"F---!" He shouts on top of his lungs before slumping his body down to my chair and typing away on my poor laptop.

I raised my eyebrows in confusion when I looked towards dad. My head looked next to Andres. He was also confused as me, so we were having the same minds. I think.

I pushed the office chair to dad beside him. It had wheels below and I was quite having fun sitting on it.

"What's the probs?" My face gave him a query which he shouted back at me for no reason.

"YOU'RE GROUNDED." My eyes narrowed at the sight of his saliva spitting close to my face and I pushed the chair away from him.

I whined like a little kid and my expression was upset. "I didn't even do anything! What..."

"Leave." A few hairs of my skin had slight goosebumps when his voice lowered deep with a cue of a frightening sound. I slumped up from the office chair and I sprinted away out of their sights.


My pair of eyes followed Enzo's figure running away from here. I turned my face to my father and I made a grimace and frightened expression.

Something just feels off, like father's presence is making me go follow my younger brother.

I slowly opened my mouth when a sharp piece of pencil passed by my eyes and I ducked my head below the table. I slowly ascended from below and I could see father's glowing eyes that had a look of a demon.

Sorry for that, father.

Before he could even yell at me, I also sprinted out just like the other idiot.

Both of my foot jogged down the stairs and I couldn't resist myself falling down. I didn't see my mother when she successfully caught my back.

"D-mn, mama's strong." I joked and she gave me a weird look that she would usually do when I was a kid.

"What's the matter son?" My mother grinned before helping me stand up at my feet. "You're quite taller. I wish you were still a kid." She frowned and I couldn't help but also do the same. Mother like son. Well, that was different.

"Anyway, it's unusual for you to run down the stairs like that. What's the matter again?" Her voice was loving and caring as always and I still favor my mother until now.  I quickly composure myself and my furrowed eyebrows were now down, creating a frowned expression.

"Father is acting oddly strange. He literally almost threw the knife next to my other eye!" I muttered with a yelling hush so nobody could hear, not even father. He might run and punch me.

My mother's concerned and stoic expression betrayed her emotions as it was staring to show through. She had let out an upset sigh before muttering a few words.

"His emotions can be a bit.. unpredictable, including his anger issues. Although it rarely shows, it's possible to be shown when he is at a very difficult situations. We're not involving his old mafia side here since he had gotten used to the cycling circumstances that your father had faced before."

I stayed silent as I ate her words up. Is that how Xandro got his anger issues before? Well, we're d-mned.

What about Divine? My baby sister.. surely, father wouldn't hurt her. He literally had his soul wrapped around her baby fingers.

Mother caressed my cheeks gently and I felt like a baby again, under her hand. My aloof attitude broke with a small smile before leaning to her. "Thanks ma." I mumbled as I look away in embarrassment.

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