20 - School day

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I was just sleeping on my bed when my alarm suddenly rang loudly and my eyes were wide awake. Great! It's Monday, so that means it's school day.

My brothers told me that school was very hard and frustrating at the same time, including the subject Mathematics as it was about solving numbers, maybe even letters too, that's what they said.

Xandro told me that he almost dropped out of school for not attending math class. He was good at excuses and the school just gave up and decided to accept his reasons. He said that until now, he was still the least favorite student at his math teacher's lists.

I mean, I wouldn't argue with my brother but he should've asked for help with the other brothers or mom and dad.

Xavrio was almost at the same situation as him but he barely skip math classes that time, although he had lower grades while his twin doesn't even have a single grading mark. Enzo was the one who showed their grades and he was the only one who had average marks than the twins.

For Dante and Andres, they are just smartie pants. Andres gave me their exam papers and they almost had a fifty and a hundred on math. Dante told me that if I get a perfect score on maths and other subjects, he'll give me a lot of presents and gifts.

My enthusiasm was feeling so giddy at that time that I was almost close at falling down the stairs. If only Andres didn't catch me on time then I would probably skip another week of school and stay at my bed.

I also noticed how sharp their senses are, like how they would perfectly guess someone's knocking type and footsteps. I wondered if they had special abilities or were they just strictly practiced?

That would be actually cool but what would it be for?

I heard the door opened in a blink and my eyes rolled down, seeing Enzo holding a trey of my breakfast. I gave him a small smile before jumping out of my bed.

"Guess what? It's monday, so that means it's school day," he walked inside my room and put my breakfast down to the coffee table. He sat beside me on the edge of the bed, "How was your sleep sweetheart?"

"It was good but now I think I feel lazy since I have a school for literally eight hours.." My voice had a hint of disappointment and he was only there, laughing, "It's not funny!"

It's clearly not funny. I'm literally getting lazy and I feel like sleeping in school, and since it's my first time attending one. I wasn't allowed to go to school last time.

My intrusive thoughts are probably growing right now. What if I don't fit in there? That's the first thing inside my mind.

What if I only get bullied? What do I tell to my parents? Maybe I should just keep it to myself or tell them? There's so much going on right now and I feel a surging activity of an anxiety hitting my chest.

My heart was now beating a little bit fast, but I tried to forget my thoughts and I held my spoon.

I could feel Enzo's expression towards me, but I couldn't quite explain how. I only started eating my breakfast which was a simple cereal with milk and a chocolate drink. It was rather sweet and tasty.

He was still staring at me while I was eating and it was making me quite nervous. Maybe he's also thinking what I'm thinking right now?

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