21 - Torture

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( Before Divine and Enzo left )

Dante called Xavrio and I to his office for an important reason and we were still sleeping at that time. He doesn't really wake us up exactly three in the morning and I'm getting annoyed with a mixed of curiousity at the same time.

As much as I want to disagree to get another ten hours of sleep, I just can't really do anything to disobey my older brother's orders. I don't even know why dad gave up his mafia boss role to that crap.

What does it have to do for us to wake up early and just to wait for a whole two damn hours inside his office with low phone batteries?!

I wanted to take a nap again but Andres refused me. I kept asking him on why we have to stay up but he didn't even answer my godd-mn question.

Luckily he had two more extra apple chargers that Xavrio and I can use to charge our devices for a while. It was so boring inside that I started punching the twin of mine.

I don't know why I even had a second copy of my soul but I know that I'm better than this double-sized burger person who can't even pull an opposite gender of a male.

Not gonna lie but when we were 18, this maduhfudger made out with a guy but I didn't complain. I'm not even gonna be surprised if he's still gay for men.

I wanted him to tell mom and dad about his sexuality but he didn't want to. He was too shy and he thought our parents would disown him because he's into boys.

Of course, I didn't force him to tell his true feelings to the same gender as ours and I understand his reason. If I was Xavrio, I'd probably say the same thing but I also doubt that our parents would humiliate him.

I'm also glad that he told me about his true feelings for boys that time, in fact, I still kept the pride of being the first one to know, and I hope he's ready to tell our parents any time.

After waiting for what it was almost like a whole eternity, Dante was back with dad, "Alright boys, go and dress up to your formal clothes. Enzo is already out of his room and Divine will wake up very soon," It's weird how dad's asking us to change to our formal suits, but I do know some reasons for that.

The first one is that we'll be having visitors. Most likely relatives, but it can also be one of Dante's close and trusted people which is impossible.

For another one is that we'll be heading to the torture chambers on the longest and deepest part of the halls in these mansion. I'm glad that Divine haven't found this part of room or we'll be having problems on the future.

Everytime we go to the chambers, we would wear our formal clothing suits everytime we'll be.. torturing the enemies we have.

We still haven't found Jack, that little piece of s---. He was the one who made my little girl's life miserable, now, we'll be the ones turning the table around.

Maybe worse than that.

Both of me and Xavrio went out of the office with our phones, took a quick shower and changed to our desired black, tuxedo suits, with also our shoes that matches the outfit.

Later on, we were at the living room, sat on the couch with our phones. Dad told us to wait here so we did. I assume Enzo's already inside Divine's room.

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