11. Impaled

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Mia took a deep breath. "I chose me". Adam gave a silent nod "Very well, if you have any last words, I suggest you say them now". He turned away, waiting silently. As tears welled in her eyes, she turned to Catline "Please take care of August's kids for me. And tell the others that I love them". Catline responded with a solemn nod. After a few moments Adam turned back to them "Are you done?". "Just do it". With that he snapped his fingers, the forest bending to his will as a tree root shot from the ground. It speared her through the throat and held her suspended in the air. For a moment she felt the pain tear through her. The root splitting her spine and piercing her throat. Fresh blood dripped from the roots tip as she gasped for air with useless lungs. In her dying breaths she glared at Adam, hoping to somehow drag him down with her. Her clenched fist soon loosened as she slipped from consciousness.

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