7. Fungi

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By the time they found her it was already too late. Laying motionless on what was left of her bed, body so thin you could see the outline of her bone between the lumps of fungus clinging to her body. Her breaths were ragged and slow. Her left eye had been completely grown over by a large mushroom protruding from her socket, the other stared lifelessly at the ceiling. The fungus covered the remains of the bed, causing a rotten oder to hang in the air. When paramedics found her she was unresponsive, her raspy breathing and faint pulse the only proof she was alive to begin with. One of them tried to get her to sit up. Her head raised from the mattress with a sicking squelching noise as long rotten pieces of skin and bone lay still stuck to the bed. The back of her skull hung open, spores bellowing out of it. When they cleared they could see it clearly. The back of her skull half rotting and mushrooms growing between the folds of her brain.

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