15. Plant Growth

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The seed hit him in the back of the neck before he had even gotten ten paces into the flash grow forest. He'd be warned of course, many times in fact, but nobody keeps a seasoned explorer from uncharted land. All of that seemed to matter so little the moment he felt the small thud on the back of his neck. His hands went for the back of his neck but it was too late, the seed split open and it's roots burrowed into his spine. By the time his hands reached it they gripped a small saplings that was entwined with his flesh. He screamed as the roots tore through his spine and wormed their way down to his flesh organs. He fell to the floor as the feeling left his body. As his body hit the soft soil beneath him he couldn't even feel it as the roots burrowed past him, into the ground. Within seconds he went from a world famous explorer to a already aging tree.

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