5. Bruised

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He didn't notice it until it bit him. He flinched, letting out a grunt and moving his hand down to his leg. Looking down, he noticed a small purple bruise just above his ankle. He reached down and prodded it gently with his finger. The bruise seemed to recoil, squirming beneath his skin and moving further up his skin. He blinked a few times, processing what he'd just seen. He prodded it again and watched in horror as it scurried up his leg, just beneath his skin. He screamed, beginning to claw at his flesh. His panic only spurred it on further as it scuttled up his leg and made it's way around to his back. He began to desperately punch and claw at his back as he felt it scurrying up back. It's body pressed between his skin and muscles. As it neared the back of his neck he threw his back against a wall but it was too late. He screamed as it burrowed it's way into the back of his spine. Pain like hot lighting streaking through his body as it chewed through his spinal cord. He collapsed as the searing agony gave way to horrifying numbness. He lay motionless as he heard and felt it chew it's way up into his brain. He felt it squirm between the folds and lay something inside of it before squirming out. He begged for someone, anyone to kill him. But nobody was around to hear. It's job done it wriggled forward and burst from behind his right eye, popping it from it's socket as it scurried off to find a new host.

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