Chapter 18

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"Hold your legs, be considerate."



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Actually, I take that back. Let's have all the teasing and aching pain from walking around the boardwalk. The house came too soon into sight, and the tension was fucking thick enough to see. Laddie was taken upstairs, to his room, by Paul. I wasn't even off the bike before Dwayne had picked me up, and carted me off down the stairs to the nest.

"U-um, Dwayne?" My voice shook as the tall dark vampire stalked with purpose to the hidden chamber. "I um, can we just-ah!" I squeaked as Dwayne fell to his knees and dropped me onto the soft bedding. I bounced, landing heavy on my back, legs curled up to my chest as he gazed down at me.

With wide eyes, I watched as he stripped himself of his black jean jacket. His necklace swayed against his front as he leaned over me, hands working to get my boots off. Dwayne never once spoke as he pulled layer after layer off. I gasped as he jerked me down, pulled me close before manhandling his jaguar jacket off, soon I was completely naked while he still had his pants off.

I covered my chest, closing my legs, unable to muster up any response to anything he's done as Dwayne begins to undo his pants. I jump when Marko, already undressed, kneels to my left. He reaches out, a cocky smirk on his face, grasping my left ankle before pulling my leg out and up. Dwayne tosses his pants away and I feel another pair of hands wrap around my wrists before pulling my arms up over my head, baring my chest to them. Paul's kneeling above my head, grinning down at me as he holds my hands still, keeping me from hiding myself.

Dwayne pulls my free leg up and over his shoulder, other hand fisting his cock. I stare at it, unable to breathe. W-would it even fit?!

"Wait!" I cry out, struggling against Marko and Paul's tight grips, Dwayne rubbed the head of his member along my slit, before lining himself up and pressing in. "It won't-"

"It will." Paul states above me, bright blue eyes full of mirth as he watches Dwayne's cock sink into me. The stretch burns and I can't look away from the sight of the monstrous girth just disappearing- like a fucking magic trick -inside of me, a small bump on my stomach the only indicator that Dwayne was inside of me. Dwayne growls, low and quiet, as he presses a hand over it. My eyes roll back as Dwayne moves, canting his hips down and pressing even deeper inside me.

A breathless "Fuck," is Dwayne's first word since walking through the door. My legs are shaking with the stimulation. There was something strange about it though. Dwayne wasn't fucking me hard or fast, just slow and gentle.

He doesn't wanna hurt me, I thought to myself as I saw him close his eyes when his grip grew too tight before they released as he opened his eyes. His body was pulled tight, tense and uncomfortable. It was so clear to see he wanted to be rough, to fuck, but he wasn't...why?

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