Chapter 12

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He was slowly taking off his coats, eyes burning into me. Almost daring me to say no, or maybe yes.


It seemed everything worked out, as not two hours later did Laddie's whole-body freeze before shuddering violently. He had been sitting by Dwayne, who instantly pulled the younger boy closer. I, being human and very confused, was told that they all just felt Max die. Since Laddie was half, he felt the vampire side of him just vanish. It didn't seem painful, so I'm guessing it just felt weird or some sort of intense tingling.

The boys didn't think going out that night would have been a good thing, at least, for them. It wasn't long until David turned to me, asking me if I could take Laddie out to get something to eat.

I frowned, sitting up straighter as Marko braided some string into my hair. "Is that a good idea?"

Paul snickered from my other side, he had a joint between his fingers as he rolled his head to the side, eyes bright with something I couldn't place. "Yeah, we have to have a few things worked out, now that Max is gone." I felt Marko drop my braid, finished and silently admiring his work. "It won't be appropriate for the little tyke." My eyebrows shot up and I instantly nodded, getting out from between him and Marko. My face flushed as I hummed in agreement.

"Right, right, so how long is your...thing gunna take?"

"A while." David smirked, and I shook my head, waving my finger at him. He was slowly taking off his coats, eyes burning into me. Almost daring me to say no, or maybe yes. I don't know. All I knew was that it was hot, and I needed air.

"Nya! I don't-mhm-don't need that." I got my cross-body bag and placed it on, holding my hand out for Laddie, who came and took it. "Me and Laddie are gunna go shopping, you guys have fun with your vampire orgy." I state quickly before leading Laddie out, ignoring Paul's cheeky finger wave.

"Ellie, what's an orgy?" I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath as I heard Paul's obnoxious laughter from behind me.

I held Laddie's hand as we ventured on the boardwalk. I kept an eye out for the Emersons, wondering what happened. Max had died, but did any of them die? I frowned when I came to a part of the boardwalk that was closed down. I tapped a woman standing near on the shoulder, watching as policemen worked to place tape and take pictures.

"What happened?"

The woman turned to me and glanced down at Laddie. "Some guy got stabbed last night, they're just finishing up cleaning."

"Oh god," Yeah that's right. No wonder this place looked familiar. So, he did die. Why the fuck did it take them so long to clean it up? What kind of shit happened here that they just left a crime scene like that? I felt Laddie tug on my jacket, and I quickly changed my train of thought. Looking down, I placed a hand over his head. "Hungry buddy?"

"Yeah," He replies, before a hopeful smile graces his features. "Can we get burgers?"

My stomach rumbles and my mouth waters at the thought of a nice burger, "You betcha!" I quickly lead him away, trying hard to not think of the guy I killed. It was supposed to be a good day. The burger joint wasn't too far, and Laddie seemed to be a regular because I saw the look of recognition in the waitresses' eyes, before she gave me a small once over. We sat down and she came over.

"The usual?" She asked me and I glanced at Laddie, he nodded.

"Yup, for him and then I'd like a number one special please."

"To drink?"

I glanced to Laddie before smiling, "Two milkshakes please, one strawberry and the other chocolate." Laddie beamed, wiggling as his feet kicked in anticipation. I leaned forward on my arms, "So, you and the boys come here a lot?"

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