Chapter 6

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"Okay boys, cough 'em up!"
Paul looks over at me, confused. "Huh?"
"You're dirty clothes! Right here!"


I held Laddie's hand, dancing like a maniac as we listened to the song. It wasn't until the one song I actually recognized started to play. Then I knew it was time. I was here at the concert with Star and Laddie, waiting for the song to come on so I knew to move us to the hill, where Michael would see her. I smiled at Laddie, leaning down as he stopped bouncing.

"I think we should move to the hill, we'll have a better view!" He nods, and I pull him, Star following behind us as she continued to let the music sing to her. I smiled back at her, noting how beautiful she looked. Gosh, it wasn't hard to see what David saw. I let Laddie lead us, stopping just at the top, dancing with Star as she watched the concert. I looked over the crowd, before spotting Michael. I smiled, seeing his eyes were on Star.

"Hey, cute guy staring at you at two o'clock!" She opened her eyes, looking around before spotting him. Here we go. Step one, into motion. I let them flirt before I saw Michael start to come to us. "Time to go!" I pulled Laddie and Star away, fast enough that Michael couldn't catch up but slow enough that he could follow.

"He's following us." Star whispered and I giggled.

"He likes you."

"He can't, it's not safe." I shook my head, smiling at her words. Laddie tugged me to the boys, who were on their bikes. I winked at David, giving him a nod. He looks stoically at Star, though the slight shift he made lead me to believe he was more relaxed now that he knew Michael spotted us. I walked Laddie to Dwayne's bike before getting on behind Paul. Marko had been letting me ride with him too much, so I decided to give him a break.

"Oh! To what do I owe the pleasure?" Paul smirks at me, starting his bike. Marko smiles at me, eyebrows raised.

"Um me, duh." I rolled my eyes, flicking my hair, causing the three around me to laugh. David and Star were focused on Michael. I leaned into Paul, wrapping my arms around him.

"She's mine now Marko," Paul revs his bike, hitting Marko's arm as the other starts his.

"You wish Paul." He called in reply before we were off.


"Twenty-four...twenty-five..." I held my breath as Laddie counted, my body straining to keep still in such an uncomfortable position. Jesus, when did I get so old? I heard Laddie hit thirty and held my breath, trying to be as quiet as I could when a half vampire was looking for you. "Ready or not! Here I come!" I bit my lip, hearing him run around the cave in search for me. I covered my mouth, watching as his shadow fell over the large tapestry that hid me from him. He moved along, looking for me. I held back a giggle, excitement swelling at how fun this actually was. He was so cute! I loved it!

I smiled when I heard him ask Dwayne if he knew where I was.

"Yeah, I do."

"Can you tell me?"

"No, that's cheating Laddie." I chuckled, eyes widening as I heard him gasp. Oh shit, he heard me. He walked by again, the light from the fires made his shadow bigger than he was.

"Where are you, Luna?" His little voice called, and I didn't answer. I heard him move things around, looking for me. "Luna!" He moved in front of the tapestry again, and this time I waited a beat before made a little noise. His shadow spun around, and he reached out for the cover. He moved it just as I jumped out at him.

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