Chapter 14

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"It needs to come off now,"


Paul laughed, "It's supposed to."

"But things happen when I drink. I got kicked out of the party."

Marko laughs, playing with my hair. "So you've said." I nod, yeah. Yeah I did say. I was fucking crazy. It was fun, and the bitch got a stick up her ass because her girlfriend was hitting on me. Not my fault.

"Yeah, this chick was flirting with me, and I mean, it was totally cool because it was a lesbian party so duh that's suposed to happen. It was also my first party so I was definitely in on that! It was gunna happen but then this other girl came over after my arm was hit by someone else and my drink spilled-a little-and she said that it'd be better for me if I left because apparently she was worried for me but like, bitch, I'm fine. I went home and did my dishes and organised all my socks." I rolled my eyes, explaining the whole situation. I could feel the alcohol, seeping into my mind and making everything warm and fuzzy. "She was a total bitch! Like, not my fault your girlfriend thinks I'm cute, hellooo, she was the one petting me."

"Oh my god," Paul answers, shaking his head as he sits near me. "I can't believe she did that."

"I know!"

"Such a bitch."

"Right?" I turned to Marko, seeing his smiling face as he glanced at Paul over my shoulder. "So, I don't go to parties anymore. Because it's a problem when I drink."

"You're doing fine chica." Paul places an arm around me. When did we get down into the sand?

"Hm, thank you Paul."

"Here, has some water." Marko reaches out with a water bottle, and I take it, and instantly begin to struggle with the cap. I grumble but jump away from the hands reaching out for it.

"Hey, hey!"

"I just wanna help!" Paul replies and I scoff.

"Excuse me," I blink at him, "I am an independent woman." I lean back, popping the cap open. "See these shoes on my feet's? Are mine, I bought 'em, that's right." I wiggle my boots in the air and lean back against Marko.

"You tell him El." Marko chuckles from beside my ear, resting his chin on my shoulder.

I laugh, "Water for me, no more shots!"

"I think that may be smart, little light weight."

"Bitch," I grumble, giggling as Paul makes a face back at me as he goes to grab another beer. Paul came back over, beginning to tell me a few stories. I felt myself not able to follow along too far into the story, unable to focus for so long but he kept my attention with wild movements and noises, making me laugh harder and harder each time.

I lay back, having fell over from one of Paul's stories. The sand was warm under me, and soft against my skin. I close my eyes, basking in the sensation of the sand. I peek my eyes open when I feel it move around me, and Marko is there, crawling over me. I don't bother moving, letting him do his thing. He leans down, kissing me on the mouth with a gentle press of his lips. He tasted like cold caramel and honey, though that may be the bourbon I saw him down not too long ago. He pulls away with a soft wet lick at my mouth, the tip of his tongue catching my upper lip. I smile when he begins to nuzzle my neck with his nose before rubbing his cheek against mine. Soft kisses and licks caused goose bumps to scatter across my skin. I shivered when he bit down a few times, though never breaking skin, just sucking and rubbing his teeth on my skin.

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