I rinse the bowl in the sink, setting it to dry with a solemn breath. I hear boots on wood, Paul appearing from the hall, David not far behind him.

"What's the plan for today?" I ask, eager for a distraction.

"Boardwalk," David answers, heading to the door. We all follow him out. I hop on the back of David's bike, sliding my arms around him. It was a shorter drive, but no less fun as we raced along the road.

I walked along the boardwalk with the boys. Laddie had wanted to go to the diner, eager to get a milkshake, and suddenly his appetite was back. He tugged Dwayne along, chatting away as David and Paul followed, Marko and I stuck to the back.

I yelped when Marko snagged my arm, pulling me into a dark alley. He tugged me further into the darkness before spinning me around and pinning me to the stone wall. His mouth was on mine before I could question, lips soft and tongue expertly sliding across my bottom lip.

His hands grasped my sides, sliding down to my hips as he pressed himself flush against me. I grip his jacket, patches stiff and rough against my skin. Marko hums, smirking against my mouth as he pulls away, eyes bright with lust.

"What are you- "I go to ask, pausing to gasp as he dives into my neck, eagerly sucking and nipping my skin. Tingles raced along my body, my nipples growing hard as his chest rubbed against me. I can feel his throbbing member against my stomach. "Marko!"

"Just having some fun," He mutters, taking a deep breath and sighing into my hair. "What? You wanna stop?" His hand travels down, sliding between my thighs and up my skirt. I inhale sharply, gripping his forearm as his fingers run along my damp panties. He chuckles, his other arm wrapping around my waist, pulling me close. "Doesn't seem like you wanna stop."

"People can see!" I hiss, hips pulling away from his hand, but his fingers follow. I don't wanna stop, really, it feels much too good to end it here, but we're in public! People could see! All they have to do is walk down the alley. We may be in the shadows, but the street light hits only a few feet away from us. "People will hear!"

Marko huffs, "Then be quiet."

He hikes up my skirt, bunching it around my hips. He grasps my underwear and pulls them off, sliding the fabric down before I'm forced to kick them off to not trip over them. He smirks up at me, tucking the fabric into his pocket. I stare at him, "Are you really stealing my underwear?"

"What?" He shrugs, no shame at all. He stands, gripping my thighs and tells me to jump. I do, wrapping my legs around his hips. He anchors me against the wall, Dwayne's jacket protecting my skin. I reach down between us, undoing his chaps and jeans, biting my lip as Marko presses one slicked finger into me, then two. It's tight, uncomfortable even, but the soft brushing of his thumb over my clit relaxes me. He squeezes three in, a bit of a hassle, and slowly stretches me out. Pulling them out, he hums, "I like a bit of resistance babe."

"Go...go slow..." I mumble, nervous about having sex with him. This will be the first time in years...It's embarrassing and nerve-racking.

Marko chuckles but doesn't reply as he pushes his pants down just enough to free himself. He's not long or overly large, but he's thick. I grip his shoulders, thighs squeezing his sides. He thrusts up, cock sliding against my wet folds. It feels even bigger that way. He pulls back, and I reach down, angling him against my opening. I keep him steady, wincing when he begins to press in. My body gives and a soft gasp escapes my mouth as it felt open. I dig my nails into his neck and chest, Marko doesn't stop until his pelvis is pressed firmly against me, pubic hairs tickling as he grinds up into me.

"Ah," Marko groans, breath hot against my ear. He pressed our heads together, nuzzling and playfully nipping my jaw. "Perfect," He chuckles as my insides squeeze, tightening around his throbbing member. The echoes of the world beyond the mouth of the alleyway were fading in and out, I could see them all, walking pass with no idea that a vampire was deep inside me right now. I hold onto Marko, one arm around his neck and the other sliding under his jacket to grasp at his back. My hold tightens when I feel him shift, holding my hips as he plants his feet, lifting me up and almost all the way off his cock before dropping me down, pulling me hard onto him.

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