"Marko." My eyes flashed open, and I looked up to see Dwayne and David upside down. To the left Paul was entertaining Laddie, telling the kid a story I couldn't follow. My focus was on David. I rolled over onto my stomach, feeling Marko's body against mine as I pushed myself up. My hands were tied together in front of me. When did that happen? It was a black belt, secured tightly around my wrists. It was painful, but not uncomfortable. My hands weren't numb, at least I didn't think so. I shrugged, blinking away the small bout of confusion. Whatever. I crawl towards David, going to the place I was focused on. I settle between his spread legs, smiling up at him before I lean against his left leg. I settle against the leather, resting my head against his knee. It was nice and warm before the fire, which was still blazing before us.

"I think it's time to go home."

"Home?" I ask, looking up with unfocused eyes as Dwayne walks into my line of sight. Laddie in his arms. I feel tapping and turn to see David smirking down at me.

"Time to go." I nod, struggling but managing to stand up. I follow David, keeping hold of him as we get on. I grip his coat as he rides, my hands still tied together. We weren't going very fast, well we were, but David wasn't being as reckless as before.

The cave was cool, nice against my skin but I was beginning to feel the chill as Paul lit the barrels, Dwayne putting Laddie to bed in the back. David sat down in his chair, and I walked over. I pat his arm, pulling it from his lap before I ease myself into his lap. I sink into him, resting my head on his shoulder, curling my legs up and holding my hands to my chest. I relax when he doesn't object, inside wraps an arm around my side and pulls me closer.

I look over when Dwayne comes up to us, and he reaches out. "Let's get this off, yeah?"

"What" He takes my wrists, and I frown. "No," I pull back, tucking them closer to my chest.

"It needs to come off now," Dwayne argues, and I shake my head.



"Don't want it off." I mumble, closing my eyes as I pressed my face into David's chest.

"Elsie, give him your hands." David's voice echoed in his chest; the vibrations of his soft voice rumbled in my head. I sigh, not looking as I hold out my hands. Dwayne's fingers work fast, nimbly unclasping the belt and slowly unwrapping my wrists. I felt better when the pressure was released, though I did like the way it felt. Marko walks over, tucking a blanket around me. I hum, pulling it closer as I snuggle deeper into David's chest.

"If I knew she'd be this clingy I'd have gotten her drunk sooner." Paul's voice is far away, too far for me to care. The only thing I can hear and really care about is the vibrating. It was like a large house cat, purring as fingers softly comb through my hair. It was the last thing I remember before I fell asleep.

It was dark when I opened my eyes, my head throbbing gently with each pulse my heart gave. Oh, that's painful. I scrunch up my nose, turning my head to the side. Oh, this is actually quite comfortable. The fabric my cheek rested on was leather, cool against my skin as my brain roused from slumber. I recalled the shots I took, how fast it worked through my system, and within half an hour I was drunk. Oh shit, drunk me came out. Shit. That's so embarrassing.

So, Marko and I kissed, got hot and heavy a bit in the sand, but then David stopped it. I-fuck, oh shit-I kneeled at David's feet. Practically glued me to him. Jesus, that's a little much, even for drunk me, right? I will admit I've only met her once and it ended in a short and disappointing night and my roommates not taking me to parties with them anymore, which again made me even more embarrassed about drinking. Damn. Drunk me is a slut, submissive, and maybe a little gay. She's a queen though, she's making it in the world. She'll get there.

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