I strip, sitting on the edge as I scrolled through my music, wondering what I wanted to listen to. I stop by my 'sexy shower' playlist and snicker, perfect . I set my phone away from the water but close enough that I could grab it.

I nod my head when the music plays. I hummed along, zoning out as the cool water washes over my front, the pool coming up to my belly button. It wasn't cold, but just the right amount of cool that felt nice on a hot day. I jumped as I heard a splash, turning to see Paul merge from under the water. I scowled at him, covering my chest.

"Hey, you dick! I'm busy here!" My face flushed as he grins, standing up. I turned away from him, as he was too tall for the water to cover everything.

"What?" He teases. I can hear how he tilts his head in a manner to mock me. "You're always on about how much we smell."

I grumble, "Yeah, but that doesn't mean bathe with me!"

"My pool too." He throws, wading over and gets right up under the waterfall. I glare at him, watching as the water cascades down his curved back, his hair much darker when wet as well. I huffed, rolling my eyes. Fine, he wanted to play that game. I could play too. I uncover my chest, and proceed to take my shampoo, pouring a small amount in my hand. I step away from the waterfall. I begin to wash my hair, scrubbing my scalp, lathering it all around my locks. The way I moved, was so he could see only a small peek of my right breast. I hum when Sia's California Dreaming cover comes all. It sounded almost angelic echoing in the cavern. I softly started singing, low under my breath as I didn't really think I matched her tone well.

I stepped under the water, rinsing everything off. I wipe my face, not wanting any soap in my eyes as I turn to look for Paul. He was leaning back against the side of the pool, elbows back and propped up on the rocks. He had a clear view of my chest, as I was facing him when I came back up. I wipe the water from my eyes, trying not to laugh as I watched him burn holes into my breasts. His look was so intense as he glanced up at my eyes, a fire in them that burned me at my core. Great, I came to bathe to get rid of sexual tension, not make more of it.

"Paul?" I asked, voice soft as I grabbed and held out my body wash. "Would you help me? I can't reach..."

"Yeah," He nods, voice the softest it's ever been since I met him. He wades over, and I turn away from him, pulling my hair to the left. I press up against the edge, letting my legs float up behind me, my arms anchoring me. I try not to tense when I feel him brush the skin on the inside of my thighs, slotting himself between them as the cap pops open and I hear him pour some out. He leans over me, setting the bottle down by my right arm, pressing against me in a way that wasn't subtle -at all, jesus fuck paul- and I hiss as he begins to rub it into my skin.

"Cold?" I hummed in response, body relaxing as he begins to work it in with a massage. His hands are magic, working into my muscles and soothing out my knots and kinks. "This smells nice." He comments and I can't help but giggle. "What?"

"Didn't know you liked apples."

"And cinnamon." I can hear the smile in his voice as he begins to rinse it all off. It's silent between us, just the feeling of his hands on my back the only tell that he's actually here with me. It's the most quiet I think he's been since I came here. Very unlike him, yet I feel like this is a side that he might not show too often. A side that's serene and clear headed. Sensual almost, instead of the up front and blunt that he usually is. "There," He says, stepping away from me. I turn, eyebrow raised as I take him in. He's not looking at me; seeming more like an awkward young man, his first time washing a girl's back. Maybe it is. Maybe he doesn't get this intimate-without sex-with others.

I give him a smile, one he isn't looking at. "Thank you Paul!" I pull myself from the water, not looking behind me as I dry myself off and put on my clothes. I don't have to look to know he's watching me. I can feel his eyes on me, like a moth to a flame. I shut off my music, glancing over my shoulder. "Don't take too long ya?" With that, I walk out, a slight bounce to my step. Maybe it will be a good day. Or night, whatever.

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