The nightcrawlers were asleep now, and I wasn't. I loved sleeping all day, don't get me wrong, but I usually sleep in the sun. I sit up, running a hand through my hair. It was late noon, and I decided to go out to my car. I wrap the blanket around my shoulders, shuffling to my shoes and grabbing my bag. I was hungry and decided to go into town. I would be back and knew that the boys probably wouldn't care. I was coming back, not leaving, so that is what mattered. I had slept for a while, about five or six hours, but my head hurt now. I climb out of the cave and scrunch my face at the sunlight. Jesus, being in a cave really did make you sensitive to the light.

I make my way to my car, passing the boy's bikes. I unlock my car, humming when I sat down in it. It was warm and stuffy, and I sank back into my seat. I took a deep breath, rubbing my eyes. Okay, I can do this. I open my door and go to the back, rustling through my bag for an outfit for today. I put on black tight workout leggings, a black thong so I don't have underwear lines. Most of the time I don't wear any, but I do have a few cute pairs with me. The thought of having sex with one of the boys crosses my mind, but I quickly make that go away because no-I'd probably die. It was warm today, so I decide to pull out a t-shirt. I bite my lip when I see it has a black shirt, with lost boys in white at the top and the boy's name is a circle a bat in the middle. Huh, comical, and funny, but also not really giving away that the boys are vampires. Who here would know their names? Yeah, no one. Plus, I kind of want to see what they would do. I completely forgot I brought this with me. I slip it on and get into the front seat. I don't put on makeup, as I'm not really that focused on my looks. Also, I didn't bring any. I throw my hair into a high ponytail, taking note I would need to wash it tonight or tomorrow. I wonder if the hotel has running water.

I turn on my car, plugging my phone in the charge and hook it to my aux, playing Billie Eilish's song Bad Guy, dancing in my seat to the beat. I drive to town, seeing that people were out for the late evening, the sun starting to fade into the distance. I would have to either hurry back after eating, or maybe just wait here because I bet the boys were coming this way anyways. Did I really want to drive all the way back? No, but I also really wanted to ride a bike with one of the boys. Yeah, who gets to have that experience and live to tell the tale? I slip into a diner, walking in to find it as somewhat busy but not so that it made me feel bad for the lone waitress. I take a seat at a booth, sliding in and watching as the lady came over.

"What can I get ya to drink Hun?" I think for a minute, before just ordering a water. I wondered for a moment if I had enough cash, but after looking at the prices on the menu it seemed I would. I was so engrossed in picking some food I was startled shitless when the woman came back.

"I'll just have the cheeseburger?" It was almost a question, and I got a side of fries and no onions. I ate slowly, enjoying my meal, but I was soon feeling the strain of the day on me. I blinked, taking a deep breath before placing a tip down and leaving, the large to-go vanilla milkshake in hand. I walked down the boardwalk, the sky dark and I knew the boys were probably up by now. I wondered if they were angry with me, but I hoped they knew I wasn't leaving, I mean, I left my laptop there. No way was I leaving that behind.

I take in the lights and carnival feel, passing a group of boys when I felt someone slap my ass. I freeze, hearing obnoxious laughter behind me. My face twists in anger, and I close my eyes as I feel my body heat up with rage. One, I hate when boys do this, but I also hate being touched. I hate it, I hate it, I am fucking hate it. I take a deep breath and open my eyes, walking away from the laughter. My mood was ruined, and now all I wanted to do was turn around and fucking kill them. Flashes of murdering the boys appear in my mind, and I spend about a good minute or two talking myself into it and how it wouldn't affect the plot of the movie. But no, I shouldn't kill them. I'm not a vampire, and I don't want to get caught. Also, I had a feeling David might use it against me.

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