Meanwhile Jisung was having a panic attack. "Jisung breath for me. Breath for her." Minho comforted him. "I'm scared. What if something happened to my girl?" Jisung said while shivering. "Nothing will happen Jisung. Maybe she's home for grab some stuffs. You knew sometimes she forgets to bring her assignments ." Minho said. "But she need to inform me." Jisung said. "Why don't you call your mission's agent. Eunwoo, I guess?" Minho said. "That's a good idea. Let's inform them." Jisung said and called Eunwoo. He informed about Jimin's disappearance. Eunwoo and Taehyun got high-key panicked. "Don't worry Jisung. We can track her location by her phone." Eunwoo said and cut the call. "Jisung, why don't we all go to the Shin's mansion together?" Chan said. "Yeah...let's go." Jisung said and everyone went there.

Felix drove all around the city while searching her. "Ahh how stupid I am? I need to track her. But what if her phone wasn't with her? Right...Jaemin. Let's track him." Felix tried to track his location but he failed. "Ahh he's a mafia so he have a better security system. Whatever I won't giveup." Felix tried from all the ways he knew and even he did quick researches about that.

Meanwhile Eunwoo tracked Felix and Mark's location. "Felix is near at the Seoul City Center mall. Mark Lee is at his cabin. And we couldn't find Jimin and those mafias." Eunwoo said. "God knows about Jisung's situation." Taehyun said. "He'll definitely get a panic attack. Jimin said it was happened when he's scared after he witnessed their parents's murder." Eunwoo said. "Let's not give up hyung. I'm curious about Jimin's phone. It was under supervised by myself." Taehyun said. "I'm confused right now. Let's try another way." Eunwoo said.

Jisung and other went to their mansion. "Minnie!? Where are you?" Jisung yelled. "Oh young master? You're early today." A maid bowed to him. "Miss Kim, did my sister arrived here?" Jisung asked. "No sir. She's supposed to come with you." The maid replied. "Jisung? What are you doing here in this time?" Mr Shin asked while appearing in front of them. "Grandpa?" Jisung was shocked because he was supposed to stay at his office. "Yes child I'm asking from you. And where's Jimin? Oh your friends are here too." Mr Shin gave a smile to others. "Grandpa...Jimin..." Jisung stuttered because he didn't want to panic him. "Why?" Mr Shin asked worriedly. Minho stepped in front of him. "Grandpa, first...don't panic. Second Jimin was missing for two hours." Minho said. "What!? Jimin's missing? Oh my child. We need to make a complaint to the police." Mr Shin said while panicking. "No grandpa. We can find her. Please don't be panic. Girls stay with him while others can search her with me. Ahh Jeongin...stay with the girls too. Take care of my grandpa." Jisung said and he left with Chan and Minho. "Please...protect my kids." Mr Shin silently prayed.

Time skipped. Jimin slowly got consciousness and opened her eyes. Soonly her eyes got adjusted to the dim light in the room where she was. She tried to move but failed because she was tied into a chair. She looked around and found an unfamiliar room with full of cardboard boxes. "Store room." She said to herself. "Correct. You got 10 marks for your answer." A voice said. Jimin slowly turned her head to find it. "Finally you woke up my princess." The voice said again. She heard some footsteps coming towards her. Suddenly Jaemin appeared through the darkness. "So it was you?" Jimin said but not surprisingly. "Yes, it's me darling." Jaemin said while patting her head. "You don't look amazed. Why? Isn't this a good surprise?" Jaemin asked. Jimin scoffed. "I was totally aware that you'll do this to me in someday." Jimin said mockingly. "I knew you are smart. That's why I really love you. But you didn't wanted me to be with you. Never mind...we're here for important business,ok? And I have something to tell you" Jaemin said while smirking. "What? About my parents murder? Or the collaboration between Lee Industries and Black Phoenix?" Jimin smirked back. Jaemin lifted her chin. "Woah slow down girl...I never knew you were this smart. Impressive!" Jaemin applaused to her and Jimin rolled her eyes. "Now tell me my clever girl, how did you knew everything?" Jaemin said while kissing her forehead. "Get away from me. I hate when guys flirting with me." Jimin said angrily. "Answer me Jimin." Jaemin said calmly. "Why would I tell it to you?" Jimin said. "Oh oh did I aroused my angry bird?" Jaemin teased. Jimin gave a death glare to him. "Oh look at that glare. My barbie can be dangerous as Annabelle too. Mafia loves this type." Jaemin tried to kiss her but Jimin kicked on his stomach. "Don't you dare!" Jimin said angrily. "What the hell Jimin? I was so nice to you and you're treating me like a hell. You're going to regret for it honey." Jaemin said. "Oh really? You're the one who's going to regret. Do you think that Mark Lee is loyal and a key for your success?" Jimin asked. Jaemin chuckled at her. He dragged a chair and sat down in front of her. "Well, as you knew everything...who cares if he is a key for success or a failure? Hmm? So if you want to know about the future of our collaboration...I'll kill him and your academic rival later." Jaemin said while getting out knife. Jimin glare at him silently. She felt guilty about Felix. "I feel so sad about you because I have to send you to your parents. Maybe Jisung can join you too." Jaemin said while smirking. "Yah! Why are you messing with him? I'm the one you all want. Leave him otherwise-" Jaemin cut off her. "Otherwise what? We'll see that later or maybe never." He said while giggling. Jimin was furious. "Both you and your dad will end up in the jail! Both of you are going to regret for murdering my parents. I swear you Na Jaemin!" Jimin said with full of anger. "In your sweet dreams princess. How are you going to do when you're going to end up like this?" Jaemin said and stabbed her with his knife in her left shoulder near her heart. Jimin gasped in pain. "Forgive me my love. You deserve this. I can't let you live with this so many facts. Don't forget that I loved you. See you in the next life sweetheart." Jaemin said while giving a kiss on her cheek. He left after chuckling at her.

Jimin was trying her best for handle the pain while breathing hard. After few minutes she heard some footsteps. "Jimin?" A deep voice called her name. She recognized the voice. "Felix?" She mumbled. Felix quickly approached towards her and untied her from the chair. Jimin fell into his arms because she was getting weak. " can't leave. Stay with me please." Felix said with teary eyes. "Leave...leave this place're target...leave." Was all could Jimin say. She passed out because of the huge blood loss.

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