Chapter 31

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To the person who made this edit of Ryujin, deserves a salary.


The next day was chaotic.

My alarm went off at seven o'clock and by eight o'clock I was in the locker room, changing into my cheerleading uniform.

The game was starting at nine-thirty and we had to do our pre-game cheer at nine while the team warmed up.

We were playing a team from Pennsylvania and we weren't that nervous because they were the weakest team in the country.

I saw my sister in the stands as soon as I entered the stadium and she greeted me. I ran over to her and she stood up.

"Hi!" I said and she smiled.

"I never thought I'd see you in a cheerleading uniform." she admitted and I rolled my eyes, feeling proud of myself. "Also, I never thought you'd get your belly button pierced. how long has it been there?"

"Two and a half years. Mom still doesn't know" She raised her hand and I high-fived her.

The opening beats of a Rihanna song began and I gripped my ponpons tighter.

"I have to go, but make sure you cheer for Yeji. She's number seventy-six."

"I don't think it's hard to spot her tattoos, but why seventy-six?"

"She says because they took sixty-nine."

Rosé let out a laugh and I turned around, jogging quickly toward the cheerleaders who were already in formation, waiting for me to slow down so we could begin our routine.

I did a back flip and landed in my spot, and then the routine began. When we finished we walked back to the sidelines as the entire stadium started cheering for our team as their names were announced.

Of course we won, and of course Yeji took off her jersey just before the team lifted her up for scoring the winning goal.

When we got back, I put on my black Vans, sweatpants and a black sweatshirt that was given to each cheerleader with her player's number on it.

I saw Yeji and Rosé just outside the girls' locker room, talking about the game. I could see my sister completely showering Yeji with compliments.

"Hi." I said, swinging my bag over my shoulder.

"Hey." Yeji smiled and reached up to kiss the top of my head.

"Good game." I said and she smiled genuinely.

"You were hot out there too."

"Hey, that's my sister" Rosé interjected and I shook my head.

"Do you want to go back to the frat?" Yeji asked her and I wasn't sure how I felt about Rosé knowing everyone.

God knows how she could embarrass me in front of all my friends or how the girls and boys there would flirt with her, which would make me puke.

"Sure. I'll just text Jisoo with an address and a time."

Yeji shrugged and we started walking towards the stadium exit. She stopped and let Rosé walk in front of us so we were a few steps behind.

Yeji then took the Nike bag out of my hand to carry it, (even though she was already carrying her own) and take my hand.

"So when does the party start tonight?"

"Around eight as usual, do you want to go?"

"Is there another option?"

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