[Brainy on the comms-with the others]
"Guys, I found Nia at an abandoned warehouse on Main Street where she's with a dangerous wanted Criminal who forced her to work for him in secret... And this all-time she was just trying to protect us." Brainy explained dearly over the comms to the others.
[Kara on the comms-with Brainy]
"Oh my gosh, I should have known better. We have to help her," She said softly with the hope of helping her friend.
Brainy agreed and said. "Yes. Definitely, you don't have to tell me twice! Kara, I'm already on it." He said urgently to help Nia Nal no matter what. "Then, go. Brainy, Nia needs you! We'll be there as soon as we can," Kara said urgently and told Brainy to help Nia before it's too late!

They ended their conversation over the comms as Brainy jumped down through an open window and then landed on the ground quietly. He hid behind a wall and listened to the rest of Nia's conversation💬with the criminal that she was secretly forced to work for. "Very good, and now that I have you here... I have another job for you to do," He said wickedly to Dreamer🌀rubbing his hand evilly. She sighed standing up not wanting to do this anymore and said out loud. "You know what? No. I refuse to work for you no longer! I'm a Dreamer! A hero, not a criminal like you. Besides I only did this to protect my friends... but now, I'll do whatever it takes to stop you." Nia said speaking like a true hero at heart💙as she summoned her dream🌀energy✨lasso in her hand. But he didn't find it a threat and wasn't even scared because he knew the deal that Nia Nal made with him. He began cackling evilly and said. "You're forgetting our deal... aren't you Dreamer🌀? You work for me so I won't have to kill your friends with this remote🎚and blow up their brains," He said dramatically in a villainous tone of his voice.
Her eyes widened in shock totally forgotten about that as she said. "No," Nia said softly. "Yes," He said evilly with a wicked smile about to pull the trigger. "Please, stop. Don't do this!" Dreamer🌀cried😭out in tears💦not wanting that to happen to her friends! Especially, Brainy. He doesn't deserve that! "Oh, I won't have to if you do what I say... and no one will get hurt." He said blackmailed Dreamer into working for him as long as it took! "I-I..." Nia said stuttering her words a bit about to answer until... "LEAVE HER ALONE!!!" Brainy shouted out loud as he came out from his hiding spot aiming his blaster Ray gun🔫right at the Criminal who was forcing his Nia Nal into working for him a little longer while threatening her and he wanted to help Dreamer no matter what! "Brainy, no. You can't be here... It's too dangerous!" Nia shouted out in fear👁‍🗨looking at Brainy warning him to leave before he got hurt. "It's okay, Dreamer. I know everything and I-I..." Brainy said dearly telling Nia that he knows now. "You told him! You traitor," he shouted out angrily😡feeling betrayed. "No, I didn't! I swear. And I was very careful, I-I..." Dreamer🌀yelled out loud with fear👁‍🗨in her eyes telling the truth. "Lies," He said softly not believing Nia, and thought💭she was lying🤥. Then, he used his telekinesis ability to choke Her to make a point of teaching Dreamer a lesson... to those who betray him which is why he works alone in the first place. But he thought threatening Nia Nal's friends would force her to work for him and never betray him but he thought wrong!...

She gasped feeling her throat being strangled as he said to Dreamer🌀. "I warned you, Nia Nal. If you ever tell anyone or if they find🔎out on their own... I will kill you and everyone you love❤️! Especially, the Coluan💚after taking your life." He said about to... until Brainy stopped him as he said out loud. "No, Let her go!!!" Brainy shouted out dearly in tears💦of fear about losing the love❤️of his life! He charged in about to attack. "Brainy, Stop! Don't please, he'll kill you. That's why I had no choice but to work for him... to protect Y-you and our friends. I-I Lov..." Nia said weakly in a soft voice about to tell Brainy that she loved❤️him and never meant to break💔his heart💚in the first place. But Brainy heard her loud and clear then he stopped and saw Nia's face start to turn purple🟪as she was being choked to death...and he wasn't just gonna stand by and let that happen to the Woman he loves❤️! He quickly charged in again but at super speed, while using one of his combat techniques to stop the Criminal's telekinesis from killing Nia he immediately ran to her side to make sure that she was okay and said. "Nia, it's okay. I'm here, I-I..." Brainy said dearly to her letting her know that she was okay now. But this was only the beginning and far from over! Dreamer was on the floor breathing heavily as her face turned back to its original skin color from almost being choked to death... she cleared her throat and felt like she could breathe again and said to Brainy. "I'm fine," Nia replied softly feeling okay. Brainy sighed with relief looking at Dreamer🌀lovely. Then suddenly, Supergirl and the rest of the Superfriends finally showed up as she used her freeze❄️breath at the bad guy knocking him out but he just got back up again! "You're gonna have to hit me harder than that. Supergirl," He said evilly holding the remote control🎚about to press the button to blow up Superfriend's brains. Nia immediately noticed that as she reacted to it getting up and running to stop that from happening as she said. "NO!!!" Dreamer shouted out loud and proud as a powerful dream🌀energy wave was released from her body that hit everyone around her and the blast destroyed the remote in the process. And even shattered the broken glass from the windows. And that really did a number on Nia and her powers... as she lost her balance and fainted to the ground... luckily, what Nia did with her🌀powers✨managed to also destroy the small bombs💣into their brains that just disappeared out of their like dust. Including, Brainy's as well. Speaking of him, He held Dreamer🌀in her arms dearly and knew what she had done for him and the others... She saved them! Then, Brainy quickly took Nia to the Tower as soon as possible and as fast as he could fly with all of his might!

*An hour later*
*At the Tower, in the Med Bay*
*11:00 p.m.*
Nia gasped awake waking up in the Med Bay at the Tower to see Brainy right by her side and then heard him say. "Hey, Nia! It's okay. You're safe now, but you need to rest..." Brainy said in a comforting voice letting Her know that she was safe! "No. Brainy, I'm not safe. And I never will be... He'll come for me again. I have to go," Dreamer said softly getting out of the hospital bed and about to leave... again. "Wait, Dreamer🌀! please. Listen to me... you are." he said dearly stopping Nia from leaving by grabbing her hand as he was trying to explain... but Nia didn't listen as she said. "No, I'm not! Let go of me... Brainy," she yelled out trying to break free. "Yes, you are! Nia, when you were passed out Kara, Alex, and John handcuffed the criminal who forced you into this and locked him up in a cell chamber cell here at the Tower so he'll never hurt you ever again." Brainy explained dearly looking into her eyes. Then, Nia immediately stopped fighting him when he said that as she said. "Oh, well that's a relief," Nia said feeling relieved with a silent smile. "Yeah, it's okay, Nia, you're safe, and I'm here with you again," Brainy said lovely💗to her. Dreamer immediately jumped into his arms hugging Brainy dearly as she cried on his shoulder while saying. "Oh, Brainy. I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to... hurt your feelings or break your heart. Can you ever forgive me?" Nia said in
tears😭💦as she looked into Brainy's eyes asking for his forgiveness. "Of course, I forgive you! I love you. And this wasn't your fault you were forced to... besides I had a feeling you weren't yourself... breaking up with me doesn't sound like my Nia Nal. Which is why I followed you and I'm so glad I did! It's okay now, just let it out and feel." Brainy said dearly placing his hand on her rose-pink left cheek and feeling Nia's warmth.

They were inches closer to each other and couldn't hesitate to feel one another's touch of their lips and both were about to... until Brainy said breaking the moment. "You should get some rest... Nia, you've been through a lot." He said in a deep romantic voice. But Nia kinda found it hot🔥if you know what I mean😉😏. Dreamer🌀nodded in doing just that. But not before kissing him🥰. "Yeah, you're right," she said softly while grabbing his hand and kissing Brainy immediately as he kissed her back closing his eyes and wrapping his arms around Nia pulling her deeper into the kiss. Then she broke the kiss and said. "I love you," she said softly with love in her eyes looking back at him and walking away, sitting back in the medical bed closing her eyes falling asleep😴💤to rest. "I love❤️you too. My Nia Nal, Sweet dreams✨." Brainy said Lovely💗as he kissed Nia on her forehead. After her recovery, she told Brainy and the others everything that happened, and they all forgave her and also understood why Nia did it! She even managed to get her job back at Catco after telling Andra that she'd got kidnapped and Supergirl saved her😅... so yeah, she had to lie! In order to keep her identity as Dreamer🌀a secret. And everything was back to normal again just as it should be.

*At Night*
*8:00 p.m.*
And now, Tonight Brainy and Nia finally got to go on their date without any drama or interruptions and just enjoying each other's company.
And Only Love❤️in the air at this time of Night🌃... it turned out, to be the best date💚💙ever✨!

*Sorry, Long chapter😅... I hope you enjoy it! Until next time.*

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