Chapter 05

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One year after the fight between the Salvatore families.

Zane despised Lorenzo and Darius with every fiber of his damaged body.

After the incident a couple of months ago, he never tried to escape again. Not after what his cousin had done to him. What Darius had been subjected to watching with terrified eyes—what Zane had been forced to endure—the pain, the suffering for days and months. You see, Lorenzo made it clear that day. He taught Zane a lesson he wouldn't forget; he couldn't forget, and that was that there was simply no escaping Lorenzo Salvatore.

After the psycho bastard broke his leg, Zane couldn't do anything, not for months on end, other than lay in bed while being subjected to Lorenzo's venomous words, always blaming Zane for what he had done to him. "It's your fault I broke your leg," Lorenzo often blamed whenever he scrubbed Zane's naked body clean with a rag while the omega lay in the bathtub, one foot hanging over the edge to not get wet. "You shouldn't have tried to run away. I did this for your own good. You should thank me."

Zane didn't believe Lorenzo's manipulating words, not when he had been an expert in manipulating people himself. And yet, he found that at times the words started to sting, bitterly so.

When Lorenzo and Darius got married two months ago, although there were no wedding bells, no guest list, no flowers, or cake—just two signatures on a piece of paper—the bitterness inside of Zane exploded, and because he didn't understand why this was happening, his emotions spiraled, and he had several mental breakdowns and another failed suicide attempt.

Lorenzo had comforted him with sweet words in those times, and Darius too.

But it wasn't enough.

After the alphas' marriage, they started fucking in their room on the bed where they kept Zane while he just lay there, next to them at the edge of the bed.

Sometimes he kept his back turned away from them, pretending to be asleep while the bed rocked. Sometimes he didn't bother pretending; he kept his eyes open with his back turned, staring at the opposite end of the room where Lorenzo's and Darius's shadows painted the walls while they made passionate love or while they fucked like wild animals. He always had ears on them, listening to Darius's desperate gasps and breathy moans and to Lorenzo's passionate grunts and shuddering hisses before, in a fleeting moment, a strange thought crossed Zane's mind. And that was: he wished he could be there.

He was there, though, yet he didn't matter; apparently, he didn't exist.

Soon he started dreaming sinful thoughts of the two alphas touching him while they made love with each other. In his dreams—or nightmares—he craved to feel their bodies burning into his own and their tongues drinking up his cries for their cocks and their knots. And when he woke up with their arms draped over his waist, he wished they would disappear so he could get his freedom—wished them to get sick of him like everyone else got sick of him and tossed him aside.

Neither Lorenzo nor Darius touched him the way they had done in his dreams, though.

They never got sick of him, either.

In the end, Zane, against his will, stayed there for the two alphas' amusement, rotting into the bed sheets, awaiting the day when they would one day grow tired and discard him. It was bound to happen eventually.

Today Lorenzo and Darius left the compound early in the morning with promises of returning after nightfall. Zane couldn't care less. In fact, he had been grateful for their departure; their presence deeply annoyed him, and he needed alone time.

It wouldn't be for another hour when the room slowly felt oddly suffocating that alarm crept in, and he hoped they might come back earlier than planned.

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