"I won't." He caressed her back comfortingly. "I've been doing this for years. Like you said, it was the tires that made me crash, not me. I don't think anything will happen anymore."

"But championships are in less than four days Heeseung."

"I can try to race again. If they would just let me out of this place."

"I don't think you'll have time to adjust."

Heeseung stayed quiet for a couple of seconds, before letting out a small sigh.

"You're right. I might not have time to recover before championships."

"You definitely have time."

They both turned their gazes to the door, seeing Heeseung's manager standing there with a bright smile.

"There's a typhoon on championship day. I was told today that it will get postponed for the next weekend." He said excitedly, making Heeseung's eyes brighten. "And your doctor, said that you will be out of here in less than two days."

"What?" He questioned brightly as he looked at Rea, who gave him a smile.

"You always get what you want don't you?" She whispered making his smile grow even more.

"Not everything, just yet. Stay another week. I'll pay for your flight for whenever you want to go back home. But stay another week. You promised you would see me at championships, you can't just leave without seeing me." He almost threatened as he pointed his finger at her.

The manager awkwardly stood at the door as he avoided looking at the couple who still hadn't taken their arms away from each other.

Rea looked into his eyes as he stared at hers.

"I'm sure I can get another week at my job." She said softly, and Heeseung smiled brightly as he pulled her against his chest.

"Thank you. I want you there. Since I'm racing for you." He whispered in her ear, making her smile a little as she remembered his words at the second race she ever attended. "I want you to see me win. Not because I want you to take my job seriously this time, but because I want to win for you."


They were interrupted by the voice of the manager, remembering his presence again.

"I need you to come out and talk to a journalist. He's been asking for an interview for the past two days and this is the first time it will be revealed to the public that you are awake." The manager informed, making Heeseung nod his head with a small smile that he couldn't contain.

He looked at Rea, before placing a kiss on her forehead.

"I knew there was more of what he wanted to say than that. I'll be right back." He whispered before pulling away from Rea and walking towards his manager with his IV stand.

"Wear a jacket or something, Heeseung." Rea reminded making him turn around.


She grabbed his hoodie that he had taken off from the bed and helped place the drip through the sleeve first, before standing on her tip toes to help him put it on.

"Watch out." She whispered as he placed his arm in the sleeve carefully, before helping adjust the hoodie on his body.

"Thank you." He said softly as he placed a peck on her lips, making her ears feel hot as he smirked at her and walked out of the room, closing the door behind himself.


RJ and detective Lahaye walked onto the track as they looked around at the different cars.

There were two police officers following behind them as they walked and everyone stared at the intimidating pair.

RJ finally spotted the red car he was looking for, and the familiar back he had been searching for, leaning down as he fixed the screws on Dal's wheels.

He kneeled down and tapped his shoulders, giving him a small sarcastic smile.

"You're under arrest for lying to authorities and involvement in an attempted murder."

The first guy from the interrogation looked at him with wide eyes for a couple of seconds, before quickly standing up, almost running away, but RJ quickly grabbed him from his arm, placing handcuffs on his wrists.

"I didn't do anything!" He yelled out as everyone around stopped what they were doing and watched the man be placed against the hood of Dal's car.

"We have footage of you changing the tires of Heeseung's car on the pit stop before the crash. You lied and said someone else did your job. Jeremy, right?" Detective Lahaye said as he watched RJ grab the man from the back of his shirt to pull him up.

The man stayed quiet as he was pushed forward, glaring at everyone around him.

RJ led him into the back of the police car, before sitting next to him.

The two cops from before sat in the front seats and drove off.

The man stayed silent as he looked out of the barred window. Tears of frustration falling out of his eyes.

"So, what happened? What made you do it?" RJ questioned normally as he looked ahead.

"Someone paid me to."

"Was your salary not enough?"

"I have a debt to pay. It's not enough." He almost whispered as he continued staring out the window.

RJ nodded his head slowly as he placed his hands together on his lap, before looking at the man.

"If you tell us who paid you to hurt him, and who the person that changed the tires with you is, you might not have a long sentence. I might have mercy on you and pay your debt for you. What do you think about that plan?" RJ suggested with raised eyebrows.

The man stayed quiet as he didn't look at him, keeping his eyes on the streets.

Race To Your Heart |Lee Heeseung|Where stories live. Discover now