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Heeseung's bed was now adjusted so that he could sit up more comfortably.

He had been having liquids and small foods for the entire day as a way to adjust his digestion again, but he was doing just fine.

It was almost like a miracle at how recovered he seemed to be after such a big accident.

He was still in pain from his abdomen, and his head would occasionally hurt, but there was nothing that wasn't manageable, according to him.

Even the nurses and doctors couldn't explain what had caused his pulse to drop so badly if he was doing so well.

Now he sat watching French news that Rea could understand nothing about as she leaned against the bed in boredom.

"You watch news... That makes you even worse."

Heeseung ignored her words for a few seconds, before furrowing his eyebrows, offended. He tilted his head to look at her.

"Excuse me? I'm sorry that you don't keep up with the things that happen around you, Rea. I, at least, am a responsible citizen. What if we go into war and you never know about it until you get bombed or something?" He questioned as he looked at the TV again.

"You're so extreme." She rolled her eyes as she stared at the TV blankly. "There are other shows you can watch. More interesting ones that don't involve actual death and murder."

"I thought you said you wouldn't insult me."

"I'm not insulting you; I'm letting you know my valid opinion." She murmured as she leaned her cheek against her hand. "Insulting you would be 'Heeseung, you're so annoying and old-fashioned for watching the news like an old man.' That's insulting you."

Heeseung looked at her with his eyes narrowed for a couple of seconds, trying to contain his smile as he saw the playful gleam in her eye.

"You just insulted me, I'm going back to near death."

"Stop." She couldn't help but chuckle as he laid back and closed his eyes.

He hadn't stopped teasing her for all the things she said when she thought he wasn't listening, including her begging him to wake up and that she would 'never ever' insult him again if he did.

We all knew she was lying, including him.

Heeseung opened his eyes and looked at her with a small smile.

"I didn't insult you."

"You did."

"I didn't. I was giving you an example of an insult." Rea smartly said as she tilted her head just like he had.

"Come here."

"Why? No."

"Just do it."

"No. For what? I don't trust you." She said as she sat up straight when he reached for her.

"I just want to hug you-"

"No. I don't trust you." She giggled as he reached for her again, a deviant gleam in his eyes as she rolled back in the chair.

"No, I really want to hug you-"

"Venons-en maintenant à l'accident de course mortel qui s'est produit il y a.."

Heeseung's gaze immediately went to the TV as he heard those words, reaching for the remote and putting up the volume.

Rea looked at the TV, seeing clips of the crash on the screen. She looked at Heeseung to see his reaction.

Race To Your Heart |Lee Heeseung|Where stories live. Discover now