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Rea sat down next to her brother, as the nice chilly breeze ran through her hair and her exposed shoulders.

Her eyes ran over the tables, as people who she had no idea who they were all sat about with loud and excited chatter.

Her brother seemed to know everyone in the room as some type of crazy figure that she was supposed to know about.

He kept pointing to different racers, and coaches, saying the names that would go in her mind for two seconds and leave before she could process them.

She took a sip of her white wine and looked across the table.

The seat directly in front of her was empty, making her feel immense relief at the fact that there's no one she could accidentally make eye contact with.

"So, I'm guessing you guys aren't locals?"

Rea heard Heeseung's voice making her resist the urge to roll her eyes.

"We're not. We're just here on vacation for the next three and a half weeks. We leave the day after championships." Angel answered softly as he took a bite of his food.

"Nice. I wish I could have vacation soon." Heeseung pointedly said towards his side, making Angel laugh at the person who was sitting next to Heeseung.

His manager didn't seem to hear him as he continued chatting along with another person.

Rea looked at the view of the city as she let out a small, satisfied sigh, not noticing Heeseung's gaze sometimes falling on her.

She laid her cheek against her fist as she took another sip of wine.

"But even so, I think it's impossible for you to get vacation soon. You're going to the championships." Angel said with slight excitement and Heeseung smiled proudly.

"I need to train a lot, so that I can go on vacation finally."

"Aren't you just driving?" Rea blurted out before her eyes widened when she realized she voiced out her thoughts.

Her gaze went to Angel and then to Heeseung as he let out a chuckle.

"Well, it's not just that, you have to have a lot of strength and resistance. There are coaching sessions that you have to go through for movement patterns. Lots of weight training and cardio too." He answered her question nicely, and she nodded her head quickly, giving him an obviously fake smile, mirroring his.

"I need to go to the bathroom." Angel whispered as he stood up, lightly pushing on his sister's shoulder. "Behave."

Rea rolled her eyes before continuing to look at the view.

"So, Rea right?"

She didn't say anything as she continued to drink her wine as if he wasn't even there.

Heeseung smirked a little, looking down at his own glass of wine, before looking at her again.

"What did you think of the race?"

"I wasn't watching the race." She said nonchalantly as she laid her chin against her fist instead.

"You don't like racing, do you?"

"Don't know anything about it. To me, a car is just a car, a race is kind of childish and dangerous, and I don't find the fun in seeing toy cars pass each other for a gold medal."

"Harsh." He cheekily spoke as she served herself a little more wine.

"I also don't like people who get in the toy cars and flirt with random girls on the side of the track, thinking that they're going to immediately agree to call them so that they can invite them to their hotel room for a one-night stand." She spoke as she raised her eyebrows at him.

Race To Your Heart |Lee Heeseung|Where stories live. Discover now