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"You're up. My threatening worked." She cried and Heeseung smiled a little.

Rea was quick to press the emergency button to call the nurse and doctor.

Heeseung only stared at her as she stared back at him, not believing her own eyes as she tried not to sob.

The doctors and nurses rushed into the room and Rea quickly stepped away to let them do their work.

She stared as they checked his vital signs and the doctor pulled out his clipboard.

They shone a flashlight in his eyes as they tried to see if his pupils reacted to them now.

The doctor snapped his fingers on either side of Heeseung's head as his blinking was slow.

One of the nurses softly took the ventilator off of his mouth and nose as he seemed to be breathing just fine.

Rea was confused.

Didn't he almost die an hour ago?

The nurses would gesture for him to move his arms and head, to see if there were any issues there, but besides the expected pain to his abdomen, and the expected muscle pain, none of his limbs were limp.

"Parlez-vous français?"

They all eagerly waited for a response from Heeseung as the doctor asked him a question Rea could not understand.

"Oui." His voice was rough and low as it hadn't been used in long days, but she felt chills running down her spine as, at one point, she thought she'd never hear it again.

"Savez-vous qui vous êtes?"

"Heeseung Lee, je suis pilote de course, j'ai 22 ans. J'ai eu un accident de voiture."

To see him talking slowly and his eyes open still felt like a dream to her.

She couldn't process the moment.

Rea assumed they were asking the basic questions said after a head injury. What's your name? What's your age? Where are you from? Who's that girl across the room?

"Savez-vous qui est cette fille?"

"Mon amour, Rea."

The doctor smiled a little as he wrote on his report making her furrow her eyebrows even more.

The nurse from before noticed her confusion and smiled in endearment before raising her eyebrows at her.

"He's very okay. He remembers you the right way." She spoke as she pressed a small button on the bed to slowly raise it up a bit.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Rea asked quietly as she looked at Heeseung who was still laying his head back against the pillow, letting his tired eyes fall on hers.

"We will run these tests and come back with the results." The nurse only smirked as she started walking out of the room with the rest of them.

There was a small awkward silence after they closed the door, and she couldn't help but stare into Heeseung's eyes in disbelief.

"Were you listening?" She whispered and he nodded his head as a response.

"Was it the championship talk that made you get up?" She whispered quietly as she walked closer to him.

He shook his head slowly.

"It was the I love you that I was waiting to hear."

"That's too cheesy." Rea's tears of relief kept falling as she chuckled.

Race To Your Heart |Lee Heeseung|Where stories live. Discover now