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She laid her head on his chest as she stared at the sky, carefully gripping the wine glass in her hand.

"So real Heeseung imagines people getting hit by trucks? That's a little scary." She whispered as she tapped her finger on the glass in her hand. "Did you imagine me getting hit by a truck?"

Heeseung let out a small chuckle as she smiled a little.

They were laying together on one of the small lounge chairs in her balcony as they got another wine bottle from room service after Angel disappeared, again.

Even if she had decided in the heat of the moment to not have another date, he showed up and it all subsided.

"I thought you said I was hot."

"I don't think I'm into psychopaths."

"I am. I'm on a date with one right now."

"Ha, Ha, Ha." She sarcastically said as she rolled her eyes, but a small smile was still on her lips.

"Sometimes, it's annoying, you know? Having to keep it all in."

"I get it now. Although not from experience." She whispered as she tilted her head up a little to look at him.

Her eyes went back to his hoodie, and she fixed the string again, making him almost laugh.

"Shut up." She muttered as she stared at the side of his face.

She really didn't want to admit how horribly handsome he was. He could blind anyone with just standing there.

He wasn't wearing his fancy dress shirts, or his expensive racing suit but he somehow still looked fancier than anyone in the world.

"I'm probably not going to have much time after today. My manager wants me to train up to championships." Heeseung spoke quietly, as he took a sip from his wine, before looking at her, catching her stare. "Do I look that hot now?"

"No, you look like trash."

"Thank you for the compliment."

Rea smiled brightly as he narrowed his eyes at her.

"I understand how busy you probably are. Although I still don't like the idea of hot toy cars with sweaty helmets and a gold medal like the ones you get during spelling bees in first grade, but I understand." She teased, making him roll his eyes at her words.

"I don't like the fact that I won't get to see you as often."

She thought for a bit, as she saw the honesty in his eyes, wondering how they managed to get so close in a matter of days.

Even if sometimes she still wanted to rip his head off, he was always in her mind whether it was positive or negative.

"Me neither. But then again, racer Lee Heeseung is hot and nice and responsible, he can't possibly waste his time on a random girl he met in France when championships are coming up."

"Racer Lee Heeseung might not have time, but now that I learned that I should not be racer Lee Heeseung sometimes, I'm sure regular Lee Heeseung will make some time." He smirked, making her look away from him for a couple of seconds.

"That's a little confusing."

"But sweet."

"You have a way with words. Player." Rea shook her head in fake disappointment as she finished the last bit of her wine, before looking at the empty bottle. "I should've taken up on that hot tub offer."

"We could still go-"

"No, I'm not going to your hotel room just yet."

"Yet?" He raised his eyebrows teasingly, making her roll her eyes, but they were still filled with a wave of emotions.

Race To Your Heart |Lee Heeseung|Where stories live. Discover now