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Heeseung carefully scooped out some icecream and placed it on Rea's plate as she waited patiently with a small smile.

He grabbed the same and a little more for himself, right next to the piece of cake making Rea let out a small chuckle.

"Are you not on a diet anymore?"

Heeseung smiled in amusement before shaking his head.

"I'm supposed to be." He said as he placed some ice cream in his mouth.

He had turned on the other two lamps in the room so that the gleam wasn't so romantic and made sure to turn on the A/C to avoid heat taking up the room.

Heeseung had to lay his head against his hands in the kitchen to calm down for a few minutes before getting back to Rea and he couldn't help but feel a little awkward now.

He never really had to stop himself from touching a girl before. Most of the time the girls he messed with were wanting him to touch them, and he didn't think much before he did.

But with Rea, everything was different.

He wants her, he really does, but he respects her too much to go against her wishes.

I'm not even sure I can sleep tonight...

Rea sat crisscrossed across from him, watching him as she ate some of the cake, seeing his face seem clouded.

"Are you okay?" She questioned, and he didn't look at her as he continued to eat. "Heeseung?"

"Hm?" He broke out of his thought as he looked at her, before looking at the plate again. "Yeah. I'm fine, why?"

"You just seem to be in deep thought." She couldn't help but joke a little, making him look at her with a small smile.

"I'm okay."

She hummed as she nodded her head slowly.

"I wanted to bring an ice cream cake, but I thought it would melt quickly so-"

"Do you want to have sex with me?"

Heeseung choked on the ice cream in his mouth and coughed loudly as he placed the plate down on the small table.

Rea panicked as she softly rubbed his back in worry.

"Are you okay?"

After his coughing fit was done, his eyes were watery from how hard he was coughing.

Silence fell in the room for a few seconds before he turned to look at her.


She felt her cheeks burn as she looked down at the plate in her hand, before placing a spoonful in her mouth.

"What?" He asked again, making her smile a little as she didn't look at him still.

"I said... You heard what I said, don't act like you didn't." She said quickly as she shook her head.

"What made you think of that?" He couldn't help but ask softly, and she looked at him for a little bit.

"Sex to me is... bonding vulnerably..."

He remembered her words in her diary.

"With only someone you truly love and care for." He finished her words as he stared at his hands in thought. "With the person I truly want to spend the rest of my life with."

Rea stayed quiet for a bit.

"I don't think we have the rest of our lives together." She whispered, making him look at her. "But if we did, I wouldn't hesitate to stay with you forever."

Race To Your Heart |Lee Heeseung|Where stories live. Discover now