As I was about to message her back, I suddenly felt a sharp pain in the back of my neck.

Glass shattered all around me.

My phone slipped from my grasp as I held my head in agony.

When I turned around, I saw him standing there, holding a broken glass bottle of whiskey.

I swiftly kicked his foot, causing him to stumble, and then I forcefully pinned his head onto the table, along with the broken glass.

"You'll never lay your eyes on her again, you coward," I growled, slamming my hand onto the glass-covered table.

Some shards pierced into my skin.

I retaliated by forcefully shoving a handful of glass into his mouth, causing him to cry out in pain.

I then delivered a series of punches to his jaw, causing the glass to penetrate his mouth and skin.

He let out a piercing scream that seemed to echo for an eternity.

I ceased my punches and forcefully lifted his head, slamming it onto the table once more.

The impact caused him to spit out the glass from his mouth, revealing his face covered in dark red blood.

I repeated my question, "Does anyone else know about her?"

He shouted in response, "No!"


I forcefully brought his head down onto the table once more, making my point clear.

"I won't ask again," I warned, my hand hovering over the glass.

"Looks like it's going to be a long fucking day."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ✄

I hopped in my car, struggling to focus as my hands were covered in glass and blood, making it difficult to grip the steering wheel.

Unsure of how she would react to my cuts and bruises, I made the decision to head to my parents house to freshen up and have a chat with my mom.

Turns out, she also had something important she wanted to discuss with me.

We had a intense fight with Levon, blood was everywhere until I managed to knock him out.

My guards threw his body in the torture chambers.

I have the Greek, Americans, French, Swedish all after me and my mafia.

And I will happily wipe each member and mafia out.

Fucking pricks.

Those individuals are solely focused on pilfering from others and expanding their empire.

However, they lack the knowledge and skills required for cultivating any form of vegetation.

The guards granted access by nodding and subsequently opening the gates.

I pulled into the driveway and parked the car.

Stepping out, I headed towards my parents door and gave it a knock.

When my mother answered, I could see that familiar expression on her face, like she was wondering why I couldn't just sit down for once.

I walked into the house, and she assisted me inside.

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