Battle time!

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The tension grew in all of them. They started to get prepared for what as gonna come at them but, like usual, they go in for a reckless direct attack.

"Ice cannon!" Gray shouted, being the first one to attack but there was a downside to his attack; he seemed to have stripped automatically.

"Requip: Heaven Wheel Armor!" Obviously, Erza goes in for the next attack with one of her most used and strongest armors she had.

"Carla!" The blue haired girl was looking for support in this battle and she always had her very best friend and exceed to help her small self.

"Here I come!" The kitten shouted back, the action going around already made her yell a bit louder than usual.

"Wing slash of the sky dragon!"

"Open the gate of the Scorpion, Scorpio!" Lucy quickly stopped in her tracks and summoned one of her very dependable spirits to help her in this battle, that she might not be able to do alone.


"Go ahead Scorpio, get them out of the way!" Lucy commanded and without hesitation Scorpio did as told and wiped out some of the monsters in their path, closer and closer they'll be able to finish this job.

"Yeah! Sand Buster!"

The youngest, who was in the air, took the chance to scan her surroundings and luckily, she found a way to enter the town after they were done with these rascals.

"Everyone, I think I see a good path up ahead!"

Gray's quick eyes seemed to have noticed the path as well and agreed with the younger one as he tried holding back these suckers.

"I see it too, let's head that way!"

With a few more slices and smashes, they made their way into the town without a scratch but when they turned to around to admire their work, it looked like as if nothing happened. Nothing.

Gratefully, the town mayor approached them, noticing their presence and safety into the town.

"Looks like you got here fine, Fairy Tail."

Since nobody else react as fast as Erza, she quickly stepped up and took the leader role for now.


Without another word from Erza, the mayor's expression quickly changed from something calm to something more tense and scary.

"My poor citizens were trying to hold them back for a while now. Give us a break and destroy them for good!"

No hesitation, the mages quickly nodded as a way to accept and speedily raced away to claimed their spots to defend.

The blond flustered a bit with her keys but soon made a decision on who she should summon, it's none other than her trustworthy maiden.

"Everyone out of the way please!" Lucy warned the people around her, she knew that the way Virgo fought was a bit dangerous for average people to be around.

"Open gate of the Virgin, Virgo!"

As expected, Virgo appears from underground, startling some of the citizens but with respect, she turns to face Lucy and waited for an order.

"Princess, what do you need help on?"

"Take out the monsters in front of you, as many as you can!" Lucy commanded as she got into stance as well, she shouldn't let her spirits do all the dirty work themselves. She should support them the way they supported her.

"As you wish.."

In a sneaky way, the pink haired female found her way underground and started to suck in the monsters with the holes she dug. All of the monsters were practically clueless.

"Ice lance!"

The sharp pieces of ice formed out of mid air and found their ways towards their target but sadly, they all shattered against the monsters skins, doing no affect.

"Fine, then. How about Ice Hammer?!"

The ice, in the form of a hammer, simply formed above the blank minded creatures and with one gesture from the ice Mage, it simply shattered again.

"Dang, how am I suppose to-?" His sentence was easily cut off by his own thought. Quickly, he moved into position for his next move. Hopefully, it'll work.

"Ice dragon!"

The frozen dragon bursts out from the ground and roughly sweeps up the poor clueless creatures, it gave Gray a chance to hit them once again.

"Now, ice hammer!"

Again, the hammer forms, a bit bigger this time, above the enemies and it felt like everything went in slow motion as the weapon easily slammed the monsters back down to the ground, destroying them.

"Requip: Purgatory Armor!"

Erza quickly changes armors along the way out of the town. With her large sword, he slammed that down onto the ground, creating a small earth quake. Taking an advantage of this moment, the scarlet dashed forward and sliced about every creature that she passed by. He glanced back to noticed that they were all glancing back at her, blank minded. She was practically shocked that it didn't affect them, that was one of her strongest armors.

"How about this? Requip: Robe of Yuen!"

The robe have Erza speed and strength so apparently that's what she need to simply get rid of such pests.

"Carla, let's go!" Wendy called out to her flying partner once again, waiting for her body to be lifted off the ground.

"Yeah!" The kitten reacted as fast as her partner and quickly grabbed onto the back of her collar. Using all of her strength, she lifted the light weighted female off the ground and brought over to the battle field.

"Roar of the sky dragon!"

The strong winds easily picked up the monsters into its arms and cradled it for bit, it gave Wendy the perfect amount of time to destroy them for good.

"Wings slash of the sky dragon!"

The sharp gusts cut right through the strength of the other winds and pushed the creatures right into the ground, simply killing them.

With that, a simple victory was earned and the citizens cheered. Team Natsu, without  Natsu, has completed a simple job.

Don't go without me... (NaLu vs NaLi) ![EDITED]!Where stories live. Discover now