The Memories

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The other two, on the other hand, was already starting out the job negatively. It ended up with Natsu groaning and complaining about his motion sickness, once again.

In disbelief, Lisanna kept staring and sighing. She thought that he would've overcome the weakness of motion sickness by now. .

"After all these years you still can't handle these types of things, can't you?"

The blue cat beside his partner started to groan as well, as if he had motion sickness as well.

"You really sound like Lucy now..."

The female's face lighted up, she smiled and chuckled a little. She seemed to somewhat like hearing that but Happy didn't make it sound like a compliment. .

"Lucy seems like a really nice person, but I really never get to talk to her..."

She pointed out as she glanced over at Natsu, somewhat jealous that he gets to spend more time with her. Or the other way around.

"Well...she's lazy, unhelpful, and stupid..."

Happy explained, but this was his image of Lucy so it seemed to surprise Lisanna that she's actually like that. Lisanna went into thought, she felt a bit gullible since she knew Lucy wouldn't be like that. Right?

"What? But she's like best friends with Levy, right?"

Lisanna was slightly confused at the moment, wondering if she should trust Happy or if she should trust herself.

The kitten finally replied back with something even more unbelievable, "Just because she hangs out with smart people doesn't mean, she's smart herself."

Lisanna continued to be very confused from this point.

Don't go without me... (NaLu vs NaLi) ![EDITED]!Where stories live. Discover now