Chapter 12: Crystal

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Back in the Northern Mountain...

Zach helped ShinRin bring some flowers inside the mountain. According to her, she wanted to bring more color inside.

"These are called Sun Daisy," she said, pointing at the red flower with yellow stems. "This flower can cure several illnesses when used correctly. It can even heal scars with its syrup."

She broke the stem, which had yellow sap inside.

"Here," she said, putting it in her hands, "This might help you with that scar from Vatten's trident... and that little scar you have from your fall the other day."

She started rubbing the syrup on Zach's face. Unknown to both of them, someone was spying on them from behind some stalagmites.


"Grrrrrrr... You are so dead now, human!" Brann growled. He flew up, ready to attack.

"Hold it, Romeo," said Shams, grabbing Brann's shirt. "You can't kill him."

"I wasn't gonna kill him!" he said defensively, "I was just gonna beat him up until he stops breathing!"


"HMPH!! I don't understand why Obi is letting him stay here," he argued, "She hates humans more than I do... But she's keeping him here like a pet or something! He's dangerous..."

"Zach isn't dangerous," Shams reassured him, "He can't hurt us. But, I agree.. Obi does hate humans. It's odd that she decided to keep one in the Mountain, alive and not as a statue."

"Exactly." Brann pulled out his katana. "So he has to be dealt with NOW!"

"One question, Brann. Are you angry at Zach just because he's here? Or is it because he's with someone you're interested in?"

Brann blushed and looked down.

"Brann... Do you think that being this way will make ShinRin want to be closer to you?"

Brann looked up and ran to the edge. "No, but it will keep that RAT off of her for a bit longer!!" he yelled.

And flew down toward Zach.

"Brann, NO! GAH! This kid!" Shams shouted and flew after him.

Back on the ground, the scars on Zach's face slowly disappeared, almost as if they never even happened.

"Oh, that's so cool," said Zach, touching his face, "Thanks, ShinRin."

"No problem!" she replied.

"BRANN! GET BACK HERE!!" shouted Shams in the distance, flying after Brann.

Zach and ShinRin looked up. Shams was chasing after Brann, and they were both heading right toward them.

"GET OUT OF THE WAY!!" shouted Shams as she grabbed Brann by the waist.

ShinRin and Zach moved out of the way as Shams and Brann crashed into the ground.

"Ugh..." they both grunted.

They both got up from the ground. Brann looked down at his arm, which now had a new scar.

"Oh, sick," he casually said.

"OMG!" shouted ShinRin, flying toward them. "Are you two okay?!"

"Y-yeah!" Brann blushed. "We're both fine."

"Speak for yourself, buddy!" Shams scolded.

ShinRin looked at Brann's scar. "Don't worry, we have something that can help with that!" ShinRin replied, "Sun Daisy syrup!"

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