Chapter 9: Bondsman

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Ironrock Village...

Everyone in the village was dead asleep until the folks near the entrance heard the footsteps and cry of a horse arriving. Some people got startled and went outside to see what happened, they saw one of the Gladsvil's horses as well as Devin riding it.

"DEVIN!" shouted his mother, who had just stepped out of her house.

He was tackled by his mother with a tight hug, "MY BABY!" she cried, "DON'T EVER DO THAT AGAIN! I COULD KILL YOU RIGHT NOW! BUT I'M SO HAPPY YOU'RE ALIVE!!!"

"What.... happened....?" Devin asked again.

Zach's dad and Grandpa ran out of the house.

"DEVIN!" his Grandpa shouted.

"Where were you?!?!" William asked concerned.

Devin didn't respond.... he seemed very out of it...

"Wings... scales..... the girl..." he mumbled.

"What are you saying?" William asked a bit frustrated.

"WILLIAM!!!!!" Cried Zack's mom, Rose.

"What's wrong?"

"Zach isn't in bed!!!!"


"I went up to his room to check on him.... he wasn't there....." Rose started to cry.

"Zach...." Devin mumbled, "Zack.... exchange.... deal.... girl... dragon..."

Devin passed out again.

William looked at the Northern Mountain...

"Oh no..."

The next morning during sunrise...

Zach started turning around and slowly waking up and jolted awake once he saw ShinRin at the foot of his bed

"Wake up sleepy head!" she chirped.

"Ok ok ok," said Zach, a bit annoyed, "I'm up".

"Obi wants to see you, she has your first assignment ready and everything".

"Ok, I'll go and just-"

"I have to go with you... The Mountain can be confusing and disorienting for humans. Only Dragons and Draconics know the right paths and tunnels".

"Oh," I answered, "Uh... alright then".

ShinRin grabbed Zach's hand and led him to the outside of her cavern into the big open area in the Mountain. It looked more stoning during the day than at night, with the waterfalls and vegetation in the Mountain, and all the insects and small creatures that crawled around.


The Draconics, minus Obi, flew around in the Open area, Vatten, Shams and Noapte flew around while they quickly glanced down at Zach. Brann was just standing on a small rig, with his back against the rocks and his arms crossed, looking down at Zach, his face turning red in anger.

"OBI!!!" shouted ShinRin in a songful way.

A huge gust of wind came around, as Obi flew down and landed.

"Zachary," she said in a stern voice. She looked over at ShinRin, "You may go ShinRin".

She nodded and flew away.

"Now," she said, "Your task for today might be one that you know how to do... When Hooty told me about you and your cousin, she mentioned that you were both hunters. Rabbits are mostly your pray of choice".

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