Chapter 5: The Mountain

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The Northern Mountain...

"YOU IDIOTS!!!!" Obi screamed, "DO YOU ALL REALIZE WHAT YOU'VE DONE????!!!!"

They all put their heads down.

The Draconics were all in the Enchantment room, Obi was scolding everyone for what just happened while trying to help Vatten put his tail back together.

"I know! I know! We're idiots!" Vatten whined, " Just please fix my tail!!!"

"sigh Stop whining," Obi sighed, "I got this". She grabbed his tail and the end that was cut off. Her wings glowed with purple sparkles and so did her eyes, Slowly Vatten's tail started healing until it was back together.

Not even a scratch.

"You can look now," Obi said.

Vatten looked down at his tail, "OH THANK GOODNESS!!!" he cried happily hugging his tail.

"Well now then that's fixed," Obi continued, still upset, "Anyone else wants to cut their tails off?!"

"It was an accident!" Shams complained, "I tripped and my axe fell on his tail".

"We were just... the idea of a duel just came up and so we... fought..." said Brann.

"We didn't know that screams of disappear and pain would be heard...." said  Noapte, with no emotion.

"I didn't do anything..." said ShinRin.

"All I hear is excuses, excuses, and EXCUSES!!!" Obi growled, "Do you know how much danger that puts us in!?!?!?"

"Everyone is asleep at this time," said Noapte, still emotionless, "Humans are deep sleepers...Even when we capture a human and I put it to sleep it doesn't seem to hear anything".

"Exactly," said Brann, "So we're probably in the clear".

Just then, Hooty flew in.

"Uhm, sorry to interrupt everyone," she said to Obi, "But... we have a bit of a situation."

"What kind of situation?" Obi asked.

"Is... Is nothing serious... and nothing worth stressing out about or anything..."

"Spit it out Hooty!"

".... sigh... two humans are heading towards the Mountain..."

"Oh you don't say!" said Obi sarcastically, She looked at Brann and Noapte, "Two Humans are coming to the Mountain right now? What were you saying Noapte and Brann?"



Obi turned to Hooty, "What do you know about them?" I asked.

"Well," she began, "It's two males, their names are Zach and Devin, they're cousins, they might be somewhere in their 20s... Again... probably Nothing."

"Nothing? Hooty?!" Obi repeated, "They're humans... they're coming towards the Mountain... what else?"

"... well.... they did... maybe... sort of... talk about..."


"Alright!!! sigh... they were talking about coming to the mountain and find the source of the sound..."

"Are they Dragon hunters!!!"

"Uhm... They don't seem to be".

"Good...." Obi cracked her knuckles, "This should be easy then..."

1:42 AM...

"Are we there yet?" Devin asked for the fiftieth time.

"No!" Zach repeated, "Please stop asking!"

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