Dammit, Enterprise!

Start from the beginning

A loud voice pulled their attention away, and someone walked towards them. "Hey! I listened to your conversation, but something still bothers me, Admiral!"

"Yes, Hipper?" The Admiral looked at Admiral Hipper, not even surprised at the number of listeners.

"Why didn't your new Commander have an escort?"

"...She did."

"..." Everyone looked at the Admiral, waiting for him to elaborate.

"*Sigh* Granted, she only had one Shipgirl escort, but she's experienced from what the Admiralty told me, even if she is doing something akin to community service for her disorderly conduct..."

"Disorderly conduct? Admiral, who is this mysterious escort?" Amagi's eyes narrowed at the man.

"A Shipgirl called Gangut"


"Gangut of the Northern Parliament?" Hipper's eyes widened.

"Umm... Yes, I believe?" The Admiral had minimal dealings with the Northern Parliament but was told they were a strong force up north.

"Haaaaah!" Hipper doubles over, holding her knees, trying desperately not to laugh.

Amagi covered her mouth to hide her growing smile. Nagato looked unimpressed while Akagi and Kaga turned away with grins. The rest of the Shipgirls around found the whole thing amusing, most snickering and some outright laughing. Even Warspite, who still looked dejected, was surprised by the escort the admiralty chose.

"I'm guessing there's something wrong with Miss Gangut? I'm not getting the joke here," Shikikan speaks up for the first time in confusion due to all the girl's reactions.

"*Cough, cough* There's nothing wrong with Lady Gangut, Shikikan, it's just... Gangut has a slight, hmmm how to word it..." Amagi coughs again and tries to think of the right words but is cut off by someone else.

"Hahaha! She's a drunk, Shikikan!" Hipper laughs, receiving a stern glare from Amagi.

"I wouldn't have worded it quite like that, but yes, Admiral, Shikikan... Gangut has a... She has a habit of overindulging in her drinks, but I don't think her bad habits define her. Gangut is a loyal and hardworking Kansen." Amagi defends the passionate Nothern Parliament dreadnaught.

"Unless she's escorting a Commander, Right Nee-sama?" Akagi laughs but is silenced by Amagi again, bowing her head in submission. "Sorry, Nee-sama."

The Admiral interjects, "So ... I have one missing Commander and now a missing potentially drunk Nothern battleship?" Rubbing his face in fatigue.

"Don't forget Kohaku, three Sardegna battleships, two Sakura carriers and now three Sakura destroyers!" Hipper quipped, crossing her arms with a smirk.

"*Sigh* F*ck my life... How could it get any worse," The Admiral stares at the sheepish faces of the Shipgirls around him. Even Nagato looks apologetic.

"Ara, Admiral?" A soft but seductive voice catches the man's attention.

"Yes, Atago?"

"Ufufu... Why did the Grey Ghost leave the harbour?"

"More like Scammed Ghost," Akagi snorts, and Kaga laughs quietly at the burn.

"What? Enterprise? Enterprise front and centre now!" Admiral calls out in annoyance.

The Shipgirls look around for Enterprise, but she doesn't appear... She previously stood close by her sisters Yorktown and Hornet, watching the Sakura and Iron Shipgirls, but was no longer there.

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